
Last WQ For Awhile ?

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WQ-what if Vince Mcmahon gave the company to Ric Flair? would anything be diffrent?

BQ-how many years have you been on the WS




  1. i know what you mean... way to many trolls on here we gotta do something about them. wq: i think it would kinda be different... it mine change somehow. bq: i haven't been in the wrestling section a long long time but i have been a while... not as long as most of the guys but im getting there.

  2. o.. come back soon. wq:maybe. bq:not long

  3. I think Flair would do more like the late 80's & make it more superhero vs. evil villain

    Not long about two weeks

  4. First [[Hannah Hardy]] NOW YOU? F.u.c.k.i.n' haters & d**n trolls. Don't leave dude i'm tryin' to get Hannah to stay.

    WQ:I think ti would have changed alot,because Triple Hemriods WOULD NOT be WWE Champion right now & he would job to the stars like all of the other veterans,and i'm pretty sure that Ric Flair has some pretty creative ideas of his own,which is why i WANT him to sign with TNA as part of their CreativeTeam not to wrestle.

    BQ:Since Mid-2007 i know my profile says 2006,but i didn't become a full-time member until like mid or early 07 in actuality.

  5. Trolls suck!! You should come back soon, you were a good user

    WA: Yes, I think there would be more wrestling

    BA: I have been on for a little over a year

  6. Ok, dude.  Good luck with your dreams of being a wrestler.  And sorry I didn't make your list.  haha

    WQ...Things would always be way different with a different owner.  I doubt ratings would be as good right now...or even if WWE would still be around.  Flair's business venture went under very quickly.  WWE would have at the most ended uo more like TNA or worse.

    BQ...a couple months

  7. Wow, I was one of those good users. Thanks a lot man, and your time here was Magnificent. Hopefully, the trolls will eventually die down to the point where there is very few, or maybe none. I considered about leaving for good when my first account got suspended because of trolls, but I got a new start, which will last until August 30th, 2008.

    WQ: If Vince McMahon gave the wrestling section to Flair, I'm pretty sure things would be a lot different. I would assume the McMahon family would still participate, and more people would want to watch, because fans from the 70s and 80s would be "Ric Flair! What's he doin nowadays!?" and eventually get hooked onto the show. He is also a more popular name when it comes to wrestling, or at least thats my opinion. I'm sure Ric would be nicer to the wrestlers, and get other legends back in the business. If that were the case, ratings would go off the chart. Hopefully when Vince retires the business will go to Ric.

    BQ: I made my first account December 26th, 2007, and it ended August 11th, 2008. So about 8 months. I made my new account August 12th, 2008, and this will end August 30th, 2008, and I will come back sometime soon, probably October or November.

    **I hope you come back! I remember just a few weeks ago, I found little messages saying that you were returning to the wrestling section. I got a little excited, mainly because everybody in the section who was pretty popular around here left, or went off to cheating there way to Top Contributor. Good luck in the future man, I hope you continue your dreams and become the next Main Eventer of WrestleMania...

    Stephen B / 'Mamzy'
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