
Last day of summer Sad!!?

by Guest57415  |  earlier

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I go back to school tommorow...And for some reason I feel like crying. Everything is ending. MY cousins wedding was yesterday now it's over, ANd all my relatives from out of state left! ANd now school... Everything I do today I think "THis is the last time I'll get to do this untill weekends" At first I was excited about the first day of school...But not anymore. Now that it's actually here It's different. HOw can I stop being so sad....BElieve it or not I actually did cry...




  1. my last day of summer is next week... HA HA!

  2. Aww - sorry for you=/

    Look at it this way.  This is yet another new adventure to be enjoyed.  Be happy=)

  3. Oh, I believe you. I'm the opposite though. I cried when summer started because i was gonna miss my friends. Here's my advice: Just stay in touch with your friends from summer. Call your cousin every once in a while and let him or her know how school's going. Try to get yourself exited for school again. On the bright side of things, you get to see your friends everyday, and school's a great chance to make new friends that will last a lifetime! Good luck!

  4. I start school tomorow too!!! am sad myself too... but don't be that sad that you'd actually cry about it... but you already did :-\ ...just be happy you'll see your friends tomorow/the whole school year!! and just be happy ..don't you hate when you feel all sad in school and people think theres something wrong with you? (unless u like the attention lol) well yea go eat ice cream or something!!! :D

  5. Well I kinda feel your pain with everything ending and all. I was sad when my summer was ending. But then I thought I am going to a new grade going to make new friends meeting new people it got kinda exciting. Then I thought about all the parties my class are going to have and all the perks and stuff my sadness slowly went away. Slowly but surely going. Sure having all the fun from the summer is going away but hey you just might have fun at school with new people and maybe some of your old friends. On my first day of school I was sad of going back leaving my mom and all but when I got there my teachers were nice and I saw some of my old friends and I made new ones just like that. It was actually the best of first day of school ever. Don't worry okay your going to have fun just watch and see. Kinda dress up for the first day of school to that's what I did and it made my chance of being happy on the first day of school reality. And it made me more confident. Follow these steps on making your first day of school fun.

    1. Dress nicely ( Apporiate )

    2. Put on some nice perfume. ( Not to much )

    3. Put your hair in a style that you think is cute for school

    4. Take a deep breath in and a smooth breath out on your way to school.

    5. When you get there repeat number 4

    6. Be nice

    7. Think positive thoughts

    8. Be happy

    9. Don't be someone your not

    10. Most importantly have fun

    Follow those ten steps and I promise you will feel much better.

  6. Wow you start early.

    Well as you get older, time goes faster and try to remember that when you get through the year you'll be saying "where did the time go".

  7. It's just a temporary emotional feeling related to change that will quickly pass after school starts.

    Anytime I start feeling sad, I grab my tennis racket and head for the courts.

  8. the same thing happened to me when i was in the states and i had to go back to europ (were you cant shop) the 2nd to last day i was sooooo excited about going back now then the next day i cried!!

    its normal though but think of the good part halloween and christmas are in like 4 months!! thats kinda good??

  9. Its my last day of summer too. I'm kind of sad that I will lose all of this freedom but my summer was really boring. A lot of kids moved to a new school last year and we're expecting a lot of new students so I'm excited to see them. On a sadder note most of my close friends went to that new school I was talking about and all of my teachers look mean. You just have to tell yourself that its going to happen weather you want it to or not so you just have to be ready for it. I'm sure by the end of the first week you will be sad its the weekend.

  10. I know how you feel, I used to feel the same ways when having to go back to school, or now, to work. It happens after holidays. It's a hard time going back. But you will get used to it soon. Just think of something nice about it - what you are going to wear, you will also see your friends, and you will also still have some free time now and then, it won't be just all work and nothing else.

  11. Is going back to school really that bad? Aren't there friends and teachers that you haven't seen all summer that you've missed? What about Football games, pep rallys, school dances, etc. If you only see the work, then school is a drag. Look for the fun times, too.

  12. well its spring here.

    summer next month! :]

    ..and dont worry. Im sure once you get back into the swing of things with ur friends and stuff you'll be fine.


  13. uhg! your lucky! i had to start school on the 11th!!!!!

    i was terrible, i already have nightly homework!

  14. Your concentrating on all the things that are ending, not on all the things that are about to start. Think of all the awesome fun you're gunna have. Honestly, I hated school, until I started working. You're lucky to have gotten as much time off as you did!

    I think summer holidays is quite an emotional time because you get to do all of what you want, when you want. Although it's awesome - you'll probably appreciate it more when you only get to do those sort of things on weekends.

    Good luck, you'll be fine =D

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