
Last days on earth???

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I have vivid dreams in color about the last days of earth. I belive it will all start December 12,2012 at 12:00am. The red planit comes into our orbit, so close to the earth we can see nothing but red in the sky. It throws our orbit of and we start headding towards the sun. Our planet will be out of orbit for 3 days and 3 night before the cosmic gravity pulls us back in. Our skys will burn, Our children will starve, and there will be no nurishment or resorces left on this planet. Everyone but th. e chosen few will die!!! And then a light from the hevens open and our lorad jesuse almighty will come down and take his children home. What a dream hu!!! I hav ehad the same dream every night for the last 3 months. Do you think its a sighn????




  1. hopefully it was just your sub conscience organizing all the doomsday senarios you have heard about 2012.  I emphasize hopefully

  2. i don't know, but every night for 3 months, that scary.

  3. You over think what you heard.

  4. I don't think this is a sign, the Bible says not even the angels in Heaven know when the end of time will be.  

    There has been a lot of emphasis on 12/12/12 and that has made it's way into your subconscious.  

    Don't fret about this dream, and maybe don't watch so much news.

  5. you need to see a priest/pope for that!!

  6. that sounds quite scary,i've heard some stuff recently about events of the final days that are happening in the world right now, it could well happen, we will have to wait and see...
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