
Last joke for tonight, promise! :P?

by  |  earlier

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One night Little Johnny was really scared sleeping by himself at camp, so he sprints out of his tent and runs to his teachers tent and asks "Miss can I please sleep with you tonight ?".

His teacher replies "NO"

Johnny moans and says "But my mummy lets me".

"OK then, just for tonight" the teacher replies.

Johnny jumps into bed with her and asks "Miss can I please play with your belly button with my finger".

She again says "NO".

"But my mummy lets me" says Johnny again.

"Well I suppose it's OK" replies the teacher.

Things are silent for a few minutes until the teacher leaps up screaming "THAT'S NOT MY BELLY BUTTON"

Little Johnny replies "It aint my finger either".




  1. Hilarious!  * 4 u :)

  2. your a dirty little one but that's a good one.

  3. LOL!!!

  4. LMFAO!! That's too funny

  5. lol i love ur jokes

  6. hi im only 9 and i was just wondering if it was little johnny's p***s you were talking about. do you like talking about little boys p***s's? i bet you do

  7. omfg lol!!! ha ha little johnny must not b so inocent

  8. omg funny!!!!!

  9. wow lol got to love that little johnny!?

  10. Ewwwwwwwwwwww

  11. wow thats funny

  12. That's disgusting!!!

    What little kid would know about that stuff??

  13. lol thats funny...=D

  14. lol i don't think I've ever heard a little johnny joke that didn't make me laugh

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