
Last joke of the day from Mr. Squanky (you may have heard this one)?

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A man who hasn't been feeling quite right sees his doctor. The doctor tells him "I have cutting edge computer that diagnoses flawlessly, all I need is a urine sample".

The man offers up the sample and doc puts it in the machine, pulls a lever, and after lots of lights and sounds, a piece of paper is dispensed.

"Hmmm", says the doctor, "Looks like you have tennis elbow".

"Tennis elbow??!!" replies the stunned man, "That can't be right!"

"Indeed, this state of art contraption has never been wrong", replies the doctor, " You have tennis elbow. But just to make sure why don't you bring another sample in tomorrow and we'll run it through - just to be sure".

At home now the man still can't believe his doctor would believe such nonsense as tennis elbow - he decides to have a little fun.

First he asks his wife for a little urine, then he asks his daughter for a sample also. After mixing those together, he adds some oil from his car, and finally he adds some (not sure if i can say it, but what he might do alone with an issue playboy in hand).

Stirring it altogether he can't wait to see the results.

Next day he arrives at the doctors office, barely keeping a straight face - but he does, and tells the doc "here's that urine sample you asked for".

The doc puts the sample in the machine, pulls the lever, and after lots of noise and blinking lights, out comes a rather long piece of paper which the doctor begins studying.

After a long silence the man can't take it anymore, "What's it say Doc?"

The doctor shakes his head, and tells the man "Well, it looks like your daughter is pregnant, your wife has an std, your car badly needs an oil change, and if you don't stop mast****ating your tennis elbow will not improve.




  1. ...lmfao. that has actually lighten me up a bit. hahahhaha.

  2. ROFLMAO!!!!! thats a good 1 lolz=]



  4. cool

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