
Last knights dream had a guy cutting down trees in my yard with a chainsaw and then a mistress came over?

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Last knight I dreamed that a guy, like a handyman, was in my yard cutting down trees. He was from school maintenance crew and it was like he was supposed to be there but my head was foggy. He and his apprentice started to cut down more than they should and I finally yelled at them. The apprentice threw the chainsaw (which never made a sound) up in the air. I watched it flip over and over until it landed on me. Then handle side thank goodness and it just bumped my shoulder. I screamed (and I never ever scream) at him and kick them out of my yard.

As I'm collecting evidence a female friend (who in the dream I know but in real life I don't know and have never met) drops by and distracts me. She flirts and leads me into the house with intent on making love. I'm running around getting ready for her and she is in the guest room putting on lingerie when I awake.

Willing to listen to any theories on what could be behind this very strong dream.




  1. learn to spell  (night )

  2. My interpretation of your dream is as follows because of alot of symbolism here.  This is just my intepretation and in no way am I a dream interpretor, psychic, or any whacked out wanna be on a whole bottle of wine.

    Sounds to me as the handyman cutting trees in "my yard" is in reference to a guy wanting your partner/wife/girl, and doing some personal trimming to/with her.  Your scream, because you never ever scream, is the reality, the point between doubt and for real.  It's your cape which protects you, but underneath it all, you're human, especially at knight (yes, peeps, knight, and I do know how to spell).  This female friend is a way for you to get back at this handyman for his naughty actions with your s/o, you never get to make love with her, which is because you love your s/o.  Hmmmm......

  3. I had a dream exactly like this (except I finished making love to the mistress).  Don't worry, my's a side effect from IM'ing lena and D.  The nightmares...they fade in time.  But slowly, oh so painfully slowly.

  4. Love hurts

  5. Here we go some remarks about spelling ; when we do not even have a crrector anymore OK About your dream I do not like it ; because falling trees mean death in the family ; plus you will be left alone with your grief  

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