
Last-minute 4H demonstration idea?

by  |  earlier

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I've got a 4H meeting tonight, and I have some instability in my cervical spine, on three of the vertebrae, so I can't ride at all this summer. With gas prices, I don't really feel like hauling even one of my two horses to the meeting, so any ideas for a last-minute demonstration I can do? Thanks =]




  1. How about a demonstration on how to properly rig up your saddle and bridle?  You can disassemble them before your meeting, and then do a walk-through on how to reassemble them properly for your demo.

  2. Proper care and cleaning of saddles and tack

    Identification and usage of various grooming supplies

    Proper grooming techniques

    How to pack a hoof

    Basic horse first aid:  what you should know, what your kit should contain

    I hope this helps and I hope you get better soon so you can be back on your horse!

  3. you could take your saddle and show all the parts of it

    you could show everyone the different brushes you have to use on a horse

    you could show different horse injuries or illnessess and print off the internet and show how to prevent them or fix them

    you could show how to measure a bit ( just go on the internet )

    you could show how to be sure a saddle fits you

    you could bake some horse treats and give free samples to everyone for their horses

    you could demonstrate how to get them ready for a show ( show the tools or something since you cant bring the horse)

    hope that gives you an idea

  4. The saddle assembly is a good idea or to make even less weight to carry how about taking along a load of bridles and bits and showing how different mouthpieces and shanks work.

    Lots of riders don't understand the difference in action between snaffle and curb or straight & jointed mouths.

    You can fit a bridle to someone's arm ( holding the headpiece in their hand) with the bit in the crook of their elbow to illustrate poll pressure & curbs.

  5. Proper ring edicut. Talk about showmanship and encouragement. How to talk to a judge if he/she asks a question.

    Good Luck

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