
Last minute surgery jitters or premonition????

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Okay I am scheduled for gastric bybass surgery next week, and I have such an apprehension about it. I cannot shake it, and it's getting worse and worse the closer I get. I have also had intuitions before regarding other people and they have been right so it makes me a little bit more nervous. When I first went to the initial seminar, the head nurse said they never had anyone die, knock on wood she said that everytime she says that she's scared she jinxing them. Just the other day I saw someone that was at the seminar and as soon as I saw her I thought oh no one of us is going to die in surgery, and then almost immediately I thought I am the jinx. Then I told myself that as long as all my pre-op labs came back normal than it will be fine, but my platelette levels were a little high, my doc said nothing to worry about, but I thought it might be sign.

I know it sounds a little crazy but I truly have had premonitions that have come true, but I worked so hard for this and I do want it.??




  1. Stop freaking out.  You are allowing fear to manifest itself into other parts of your life and thus, it's all getting to your head.  GBS, will be the best thing you can do for yourself, and you just need to tell yourself that all these things have no connection, because they simply don't.  That is my best advice.

  2. I agree. That is a big thing. But I believe you are naturally afraid, but you are allowing that fear to overcome you. I'd say, just really pray about it.  But I think you'll be fine. When is it scheduled?

  3. Maybe the hospital has a counselor that you can share these feelings with. I'm sure it's better for you to have a positive attitude before & after surgery. If you really need this bypass in order to be alive for your children for any length of time..then your choices are about even on both sides. Try to find others who've had the surgery and see what they say..if they had these feelings beforehand. It might just be a normal way of thinking for everybody before surgery. Try not to be superstitious.  I've seen people be superstitious the opposite way..& things turned out bad when they were so sure they would turn out good. I'm not sure what you think will make  a difference either way. Ask God to give you peace and to surround you with His angels during surgery. Try to put everything in His hands. Talk to your dr. If he realizes that you're not in the right mental frame of mind right now..he might want to postpone it. See if he can reschedule it. I think you really need to tell him how you're feeling. ..or at least tell a counselor.

  4. Your going to be fine, take it from a Medium.  Healing well your going to be sore. You will be okay. More so I have yet to be wrong.

  5. The way I see it you are just experiencing pre-operation anxiety.  There is nothing abnormal about this.  If you weren't at least a little nervous I would be concerned.

    Jinxes are nothing more than superstition.  It sounds like you are trying to find a reason to back out of the surgery.  Perhaps you should reconsider the procedure.  You need to weigh the pros and cons and decide if you really want to do this.  However, don't forget the reasons you wanted this done in the first place.

  6. The best way to tell for sure.... is it a nagging feeling, deep in the pit of your stomach that just tells you that getting surgery is the wrong thing to do??

    Imagine yourself NOT getting that surgery. Close your eyes and actually picture the day coming and going without getting it. How do you feel about it?

    Listen to your gut, hon. You'll know which one it is.

  7. you are freaking out because you are scared.

    Of course, anytime your body is cut open, your life is at risk.

    What you really should be looking at is your odds.

    What is the percentage of people who die of the sugery vs the people who undergo it.

    If your life is not at risk without the surgery and you are simply looking to lose weight, then you should explore other options like Jenny Craig, or an intensive exercise program.

  8. When you go in for surgery there is always some risk no matter how small and I assume if you have a competent doctor that was explained to you.

    However, your story does sound as it is due to normal nerves and stress about an unusual situation.

    It would be be almost impossible to separate any premonitions from your concerns.

    This is why for instance a man can't serve as the marriage counselor for his own marriage because there is no way to separate his professional advice from his personal feelings in that situation.

    It sounds like you have a surgeon that is experienced in this procedure and has taken appropriate steps to insure your safety and health.

    If you need further assurance though call him/her (or the nurse) and speak to them about your concerns.

    You are completely in charge of your medical choices.


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