
Last month, i missed 2 pills before and 3 pills during period. this time period was very light. am i pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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i took the rest of the pills plus the ones that i missed and started a new pack like normal. this months period came when it should have but it was very light and came and went for 3 days more like spotting than anything




  1. You need to consult your doctor, pharmacist, or the insert information in the pack if you made up the two pills correctly. Depends on the brand, type, week, etc. You may have needed a back up method.

    The three pills you take during period are SUGAR pills and have absolutely no effect.

    If your doctor did not explain this to you, get another doctor.

    It is possible you are pregnant as you did not properly take the pills.

  2. I consulted my psychic cat and she said no.  But you may want to take a test anyway!

  3. no youre most likely def. not pregnant, especially if you took the ones you missed and got your period on time. Your period . the ones you take while you have your period are just sugar pills. they make you take them so u don't forget to start up again once it's over,  it just keeps you on track. Your period is lighter because you are on the pill, you may eventually not even have a period due to your pill.

    Use a condom even on the pill or else you'll get an std!!!

  4. Nobody can answer this question the only way to know is to take a test. You also might want to kook into another form of birth control cause apparently you aren't to good with pills

  5. Just take a pregnancy test to find out.  To avoid that problem in the future, get yourself a watch with an alarm and set it for the time you need to take your pill.  It will give a quiet little beep to remind you.

  6. Oh my! Why do so many people ask so many dumb questions? Go take a dam test if you think you mightbe pregnant. How are we suppose to know if you are or not. You think we can look thru the computer, look up your v****a and see a fertilized egg. Good grief..

  7. Girl!

    Get a handle or you WILL be pregnant.

  8. You need to take a pregnancy test as soon as possible.  If you are not pregnant you need to be very careful by avoiding s*x or using condoms for the next 30 days.  Something to think about: birth control pills and condoms and the like can give girls (and guys) a false sense of security.  The fact is that no birth control method is infallible.  s*x (more often than not) leads to pregnancy.  If you are not ready for pregnancy, you may want to abstain from s*x until you feel you are ready to be a mom.  If you are pregnant, your baby is already growing and has a right to be born.  This doesn't mean you have to be a mommy before you're ready.  There are many wonderful couples out there who cannot have children and would be ecstatic to give your baby a happy and loving home.  You can choose to have an open adoption where you get pictures, updates and visitation rights, or you can choose to have a traditional closed adoption if you feel this would help you to move on easier.  If you are pregnant, I urge you to talk to your parents as soon as possible and avoid traps such as planned parenthood.  I was pregnant at 19 and more than a little bit scared.  I talked to my mom and found out that she loved me no matter what.  I chose to keep my child and my mom helped me every step of the way.  A friend of mine became pregnant one year later and was too scared to tell her very strict parents.  Her boyfriend talked her into going to a planned parenthood center where she was convinced to have an abortion.  She has never been the same and now, 4 years later, she is married and unable to have a child.  She is looking into adoption.  Regardless, the point is that there are people out there (maybe closer than you think) who care about you and are ready to help.  Please let us know once you take your test how it goes and if you are pregnant, consider visititing the following website to help you find support in your area.  God bless you

  9. Here's some advice, STOP HAVING s*x !

    isn't that simple ?

  10. Prolly need to talk to a doctor if you had intercourse.  Most of the pills during your period are placebo to help you keep track and not forget to take them everyday.  

  11. Yes you could be. Take a test. Also it could be from missing your pill

  12. Ok, first,,,,,if you don't want to get pregnant you need to take your pills every day within the same 2 hr time span (ie, take every day from 9p-11p when you brush your teeth).  OR use a Nuvaring, Depo, IUD or Implanon.  You ARE going to end up pregnant. depends on when the pills were missed.  The 1st week is the worst, 2nd not good, 3rd less likely, 4th week no biggie.  From the first day of your last period you ovulate about day number 10-15 of the pill pack.  If you miss consecutive pills during this time you very well could get pregnant.  If you miss one, take it asap.  If you miss two, take them asap and use condoms.  If you miss 3 you are supposed to throw that pack away, start a new one and use condoms.  

    If I were you I would take a HPT for peace of mind.  Missing pills does not lighten your period.  It is more likely to cause breakthrough spotting and heavier periods.

  13. its a possiblility, wait a couple of days and test, or go to your doctor and get a blood test. but just from experince, i have missed many pills and never got pregnant.. i could be a rare case, cause lots of people do.. so i would defanitly get a test...

  14. Most likely, it's just because you had missed some. You probably are not pregnant. Maybe to put your mind at ease, you should take a test.

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