Last night I was in the bed with my boyfriend watching a little tv just before i was about to go to sleep. All of a sudden, my body got a tingly feeling and I stopped breathing. I tried to yell " Help Me!" To my boyfriend but a coldnt talk, no sound would come out.. I tried to kick him to get his attention but I couldnt even move at all. I couldnt Breath and the moment when I thought I as about to die because of not being able to breath, I snapped out of the feeling and was able to breath, talk, and move. I started crying to my boyfriend explainig to him what happened.He didnt even notice anything was going on he was into the tv. He told me that it was the devil riding my back? Is this true or is their a medical reason behind why this happened to me? Im so scared and need answers and what I need to do to prevent this from happening again. And if it does happen again. how can I get rid of it while its happening?