
Last night I couldnt Breath, Speak, or move at al! What caused this? Was it the devil riding my back?

by Guest44656  |  earlier

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Last night I was in the bed with my boyfriend watching a little tv just before i was about to go to sleep. All of a sudden, my body got a tingly feeling and I stopped breathing. I tried to yell " Help Me!" To my boyfriend but a coldnt talk, no sound would come out.. I tried to kick him to get his attention but I couldnt even move at all. I couldnt Breath and the moment when I thought I as about to die because of not being able to breath, I snapped out of the feeling and was able to breath, talk, and move. I started crying to my boyfriend explainig to him what happened.He didnt even notice anything was going on he was into the tv. He told me that it was the devil riding my back? Is this true or is their a medical reason behind why this happened to me? Im so scared and need answers and what I need to do to prevent this from happening again. And if it does happen again. how can I get rid of it while its happening?




  1. It's likely a condition called sleep paralysis,  Make  sure to see a doctor not a pastor.

  2. Sleep Paralysis.

  3. yep... your possessed  

  4. Sleep Paralysis.

    Down the hall, to the right, Health Section.

  5. Its called sleep paralysis. Try the health section.  

  6. It is NOT "sleep paralysis" as some are saying.

    It is a demonic attack.  

    Demons always mean harm to people. The only way to get demons to go away, is by you believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and calling on the Name of Jesus. Believe now and call on the Name of Jesus

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is this: The truth is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to eternal h**l is by believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe this and you are saved!

    Please pray now: "Jesus, please forgive me of my sins. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and You rose from the dead. Thank You for eternal life!" You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die. :)

  7. Happen to me once on the greyhound when I was 18. I never found it what had happened. It felt as i f someone was sitting on my chest and strangling me without force. I could feel the hand. I couldn't talk. I was scared and I couldn'move. I fought really hard that night to make the feeling go away. I felt as if I didn' fight I was gone. My answer is what I concluded it may have been;

    DEMONIC / fallen angel

    I was not sleep. I had just got on the bus and sat down. However, maybe it was an anxiety attack.

  8. Beware the stare of Mary Shaw,

    She had no children, only dolls

    And when you see her in your dream

    Make sure you never, ever scream

  9. Devil does not exist to do you harm. Devil is a concept brought back to life by the Catholic church recently and Vatican has ordered that ignorant masses must be constantly infused with superstitions and be taught about all bad influences of Devil so that priests can make some money! This is after the church was totally distrusted in many countries after sexual abuse of children by priests came to attention of general public and lost substantial income. Full story:

  10. You were just half sleeping, half awake. No devils involved here! :) In other words, you fell asleep but were still somewhat conscious and wanted to wake up but could not, at least not immediately. That used to happen to me too once, fortunately not anymore because it's not a nice feeling. It's called sleep paralysis and usually it happens when you're about to wake up after having been asleep.

  11. sleep paralysis. no magical explanation needed.

  12. Sleep paralysis.

    Google it.

    Totally scientific explanation.

  13. yes one devil was riding on your back and second devil was sitting beside you watching it happens some times because of choking  in the air pipe.check your blood pressure also.

  14. What you experienced is called "sleep paralysis"

    It is not the devil.

  15. It's called an anxiety attack. They're fairly common. You suddenly become terrified, your chest locks up, as do the rest of your muscles. Sometimes its associated with an over powering anger and confusion, other times not.

    I would recommend seeing your doctor about it. There's medication to help keep it under control.

    Hope this helps.

  16. It does sound like sleep paralysis

  17. Girl, that wasn't the devil, that was me.  Watch out and I'll penetrate next.  

  18. This sounds a lot like sleep paralysis, although usually this happens when you are already asleep, and you wake up before your body does.

    There are 4 stages of sleep, and if you are in the deepest sleep, your body functions are totally relaxed.  Many people who wake up during this stage are usually terrified.

  19. During the next incident if it does happen, talk to God in the midst of it and He will answer you. God is always present in the time of need especially when He is called upon in faith. It has worked for me in the past. I do not think you are crazy either. Similar thing happened to me one time. It was more like an outer body experience though. I was seeing a view from approximately 4 to 5 feet away from where I was sitting. Pretty freaky but I was warmed by the Lord's presence and it has helped me be a stronger person in the Lord.

  20. Definitely go and see a doctor. I'm a Christian, but I still think that sounds medical! Better to be safe! Get it checked out!

  21. Yes, it's true, it's a medical condition ... I remember hearing about it in connection with people who claim to have been abducted by aliens who say they would awaken to find they were unable to move.  But doctors found they had some condition.

    Sorry I can't remember the name of it ... but hope that will help you on your search :)

  22. Definately go to a doctor and check it out. If there is nothing wrong, then pray to God and ask him what went wrong and what happened. It could be anything. Good Luck!

  23. He astrally raped you.

  24. I'm sorry, sweetie, but it's sounds like to me that you have AIDS. Just ask yourself if you have done anything that might have made God angry. If that's what you think it is, pray to him and ask for his forgiveness, and maybe he will you spare you from the fires of h**l.

  25. It sounds like it was just sleep paralysis.  You might mention it to your doctor at your next check-up if it happens again.  I get sleep paralysis, too, every once in a while.  I'm able to breathe, but I can't move until I fully wake up.

    There's nothing demonic about it.  

  26. First of all you have opened yourself up to demons by being in bed with your boyfriend.  Sin opens us up to infestation by the demonic.  To make it quit you have to stop sinning.  The only way you have authority over demons is being born-again, but even believers can have attacks from demons through sin.

  27. Actually this has happened to me before, it is called melacoma (sorry I don't know how to spell it), it is a type of possession.  It is nowhere near a full possession.  An exorcist Priest explains it in one of his books that my dad read.  It is where a spirit is trying to take possession of your body but is unable to do so successfully.  The best thing that you can do is call upon the Seven Archangels, saying Hail Mary's has helped my before, when I get to the third Hail Mary I am able to break free, this is how it is for everyone that I spoke to about it also.  So when ever you feel this starting to happen or when it happens if it does again say some Hail Mary's; it is a very powerful prayer, and our blessed Mother will help you.  The Saint Michael Prayer by Pope Leo XIII is very powerful also, the full version is the exorcist prayer.

    The Angelic Salutation (Hail Mary):

    HAIL MARY, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the Fruit of thy womb, Jesus.   Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.   Amen

    Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel (Short Version)

    Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil.   May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into h**l Satan and all the evil spirits who roam through the world seeking the ruin of souls.   Amen.

  28. could be sleep paralysis

    darn it, some one said it faster then me :)

  29. First of all, stop putting yourself in a situation where the enemy can attack you.  You are with your boyfriend late at night watching TV together on the couch and following asleep next to him.  This tells me that you are in a vulnerable place in your walk with the Lord.  First, remove the obstacles in your path and than you will see the attacks less frequent.

    And I firmly believe that nothing can happen to you that God does not allow.  Don't misquote me here.  I am not saying that God is the one attacking you, because Romans 8:1 & 2 Timothy 1:7 and many other passages speak against that; however, I believe that the Lord removes a certain hedge of protection from you, which allows that enemy to shake you up a bit.

    And I am assuming that you are child of God, that you have in fact surrendered your life over to the Lord.  If not, than you need to come to Jesus and tell Him you want Him in your life and that you want to do the things that please Him.  Than you will see a dramatic change in your life.  However, if you are a child of God, you can still be spiritually oppressed.  My best friend went through a similar situation, which he could not speak or move and struggle to utter the phrase, "In the name of Jesus...LEAVE."  And the demonic spirits did just that...and they have to.  It is at the name of Jesus, which makes them free.  You find yourself in a similar situation, you cry out to Jesus and tell the demonic attackers, "In the name of Jesus...leave."  AND don't put yourself in a place which allows you to be open to attacks my dead lady.

  30. I know exactly how you feel. I've had this before, and it really scared me too, because I had this feeling of helplessness, and being unable to do anything. It's called sleep paralysis by the way.

    After learning more about sleep paralysis, I became less concerned about it. If it happens to you anymore, just try to force yourself to go back to sleep, and just say, "eh, whatever, I need my sleep", and try not to think about it too much. It happens to a lot of people, as evidenced by the wikipedia article (not the greatest place for info, but it's good for basic general knowledge).

    It may take a while to get used to them if you do experience it again, but keep trying to force yourself to go back to sleep. If nothing else, then just focus on Jesus, and trust in Him. Before long you'll be relaxed and not have to worry about it anymore.

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