
Last night I dreamt about a two headed turtle and a 2 headed dog....?

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They belonged to my friend/co-worker. We left and went out of town and when we came back the turtle had split into to separate turtles and the dog and split into 2 dogs; one red/white the other black/white. The red/white dog was mean and the other was friendly. And I was worried about both the turtles biting me. What could this dream possibly mean?




  1. The turtle is a person of virtue, it could even be your friend as he is in possession of these animals.  The dog is an enemy  lacking bravery and strength.It could be your friend as he is in possession of them  You, being shown these two characters or having seen them may allude to the fact that there is such a one around you.  It may be your friend or it could actually represent two characteristics of yourself, i.e, virtuous yet your own enemy.  I'm giving you 3 options, either they represent people around you, this one friend or yourself, as you are involved in creating such a picture as the image originated in your mind.  You decide.  Interesting is the concern of being bitten by the turtle.  This then tells me that you fear that  your own faults and weaknesses be brought to the forefront.  This fear occurs in the presence of another's upright, perhaps even noble character as represented b y the turtles.  The two-headedness is just that.  Much thought is needeed about these characters.


  2. To see turtles in your dream, suggests that you will make slow but steady progress. You need to slow down and pace yourself. Alternatively, it indicates that you are sheltering yourself from the realities of life.

    To see a dog in your dream, indicate a skill that you have ignored or forgotten, but needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may symbolize intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. Your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is vicious and/or growling, then it signifies some inner conflict within yourself. It may indicate betrayal and untrustworthiness.

  3. Turtle and Dogs in dreams :

    Seeing turtles in your dream, suggests that you will make slow but steady progress. You need to slow down and pace yourself. Alternatively, it indicates that you are sheltering yourself from the realities of life. Dreaming that you are being chased by a turtle indicates that you are hiding behind a facade instead of confronting the things that are bothering you.

    Seeing a tortoise in your dream, suggests that you need to take some chances in order to get ahead in life. The opportunities for advancement are opened to you, but you need to take the next step.

    Seeing a dog in your dream, indicate a skill that you have ignored or forgotten, but needs to be activated. Alternatively, dogs may symbolize intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. Your own values and intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and succeed. If the dog is vicious and/or growling, then it means some inner conflict within yourself. It may indicate betrayal and untrustworthiness. If the dog is dead or dying, then it indicates a loss of a good friend. Alternatively, it represents a deterioration of your instincts. Dreaming that a dog bites your on the leg, suggests that you have lost your ability to balance aspects of your life. You may be hesitant in approaching a new situation or have no desire to move forward with your goals. Seeing a happily barking dog in your dream, symbolizes pleasures and much social activity. If the dog is barking ferociously, then it represents your habit of making demands on people and controlling situations around you. It could also mean unfriendly companions.

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