
Last night I had a dream that I asked my boyfriend to marry me...?

by  |  earlier

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I couldn't find any interpretations for this online, but basically here's how the dream played out. I waited for an unexpected moment, and I got in his face and softly asked, "Will you marry me?" and he didn't respond at all. He smiled...nothing else, no "yes" or "no" was given. A little background...I've been thinking a lot about how I don't want to marry my boyfriend...and before I went to bed last night, I said out loud, "Give me a sign in my dreams tonight"...and this is what I dreamt. Any help?




  1. I think maybe your dream was trying to tell you something..

    You asked your boyfriend to marry you, he didn't answer. Which obviously means he doesn't know what he wants yet.. You aren't sure you want to marry him either so you didn't hear an answer from him.. And lastly you don't know the answer for sure yet so it won't show up in your dream.. Talk marriage over with your boyfriend.. Maybe you should just wait and see how things go.. Good luck! :]

  2. This is just ur dream, not real.

    As I can imagine that of course he is very s**y in gesture, and So lookin to him, your sexual arousal is natural in ur sub conscious mind. May be you don't realise this in your when u  r in  ur conscious condition of mind. So due to this attraction, you dreamt what you described. What ever happened (dream) is mearley a coincidence .

    If it is a real love or mear sexual attraction, AND more importantly what is his choice, are the main factors you have to go after.


    I think...

    that if possible u foget b'cos it is a dream ony and nothing else.

  3. lol, funny.  You think your dreams are gonna say what he will say?  He didnt say anythinng cause you didnt really ask him.  You just pretended. Might as well ask your mirror.  So just dump him if you want.

  4. What you thought is what you dream.

    Your dream indicate that in your subconscious mind, you wish to marry your boyfriend but it seem that your boyfriend is not interested in marriage.

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