
Last night i ate Fries and a Big Mac and early this morning i broke out...?

by Guest66576  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike hives. This has never happened to me before. Has anyone ever experienced this??




  1. Well, you are definitely allergic to something.  It might not be the McDonald's.  Is there anything different that you have eaten in the last couple of days.  It could also be laundry detergent, red or any other color dye in your food, (a new color M&M) did you wear new cloths, take any meds, use a different kind of hand cream, etc.

    My son is allergic to a bunch of different things.  It is a real pain in the hiney.  Take some Benadryl, it will help relieve the itching and pain.

  2. maybe you ate fast food too late.


  3. you should probably go to the Dr.'s -- the only that's happened to me after eating McDonald's is diarrhea.

  4. Maybe its the thousand Island Sauce!! if youve had burgers before and it never happened maybe this is your reason

  5. Go to the doctor. Never heard of anything like that before. But I agree with the diarrhea part though. I've had it after McDonald's LOL!

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