
Last night i had a claustrophobic dream....what does it mean?

by  |  earlier

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ok, i was in a very tight, tall, dark brown wooden box. it was so tight i couldn't stand with my shoulders straight, i had to stand sideways and the walls of the box were hurting my shoulders because it was so tight.

the box did not have a roof, and a very bright light was coming in from the top.

i had been there for sometime. there was a white piece of paper on the floor and i had a brown crayon and was drawing on the paper. then my uncle (my moms brother) came and told me i had to draw something ( can't remember what he said). it was my challenge, i had to draw that something or i wont be able to come out of the box. then he shut the lid of the box, but there was still a light coming in.

i was starting to run out of air, i knew that i had to keep calm and still or i will run out of air and die. i was trying soo had not to panic.

i was sitting in the box, and starting to panic, then i stood up... i realised i made a mistake and sat back down. and i carried on drawing.

i was sooo panicing but i was trying to calm down.

this was claustrophobic right?

what does this mean?




  1. well first of all you seem a devoted and extra ordinary person. this dream tells me that you might be a science student and have keen interest in physics. next your family loves you very much and they would may have set or going to set some targets for you to achieve. the light coming in that time of trouble tells that you have some spiritual desires and you should study all the religions relatively as soon as you can.

  2. You had been stuck in a situation where you suffered a lot ; but its finally the end [ The bright light ]  

  3. Is your uncle highly expectant of you for something,

    Are You sure your heading in the right 'direction' from his perspective?

    Drawing is artistic but it appears you can't perceive a picture.

    I would guess you get on well with him, YOU are not chained and art technically is beauty, even rubbish art if projected in the right manor is beautiful.

    Use your artistic traits soon and to the best of your ability or you will end up just a minion (needless entrapment perspective)


  4. The box situation definitely sounds claustrophobic but what seems to carrie more weight is what you were experiencing between the writing / drawing exercise and your uncle - within the confines of that box.

    What is suggested is that you got yourself into something that requires an effort on your part to correct.  It also sounds as if your uncle remains close to your mom and perhaps watches over you at times.  Does he do so with a bit of a heavy hand?

    That light is your last glimpse of freedom before being locked into this task, whatever it is.  That task seems simple enough - but perhaps there is a feeling of reservation or reluctance - even confinement in having to do it.  Is something necessary but distasteful being required of you for some reason by an authority figure?  Does it leave you feeling stifled or smothered - locked away from freedom?

    But you do get down to the task, despite the obstacles - you seem to do your best to comply.  The lid is now on - more pressure applied.  In this you do seem to have determination and ability - but at times need extra 'encouragement' to do the things that others realize you can accomplish.

    You will have to decide how these points may fit but they are well suggested by what you have shared.

    All the best to you.

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