
Last night i had a dream , i was at this std party. where everybody there had herpes.Some girl rubbed ?

by  |  earlier

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my back. i had herpies in my dream do you think i really have it now because i got some weird bumps now ? help me




  1. Omg if someone else posts one more dumb a** question on here imma scream you can't get herpes from a dream and I don't wat da f**k you be thinkin about before you go to sleep to dream the kind of sh*t your dreaming but okay whatever floats your boat  but no you don't have herpes you just said you have bumps you didn't give any detail so just go to the doctor and check it out it can't be any std if you had s*x using protection lately if you had unprotected s*x it can be an std but you would've had burning or itching go to the doctor just in case

  2. omg that is seriously the stupidist question...creepo you probably have herpes from your mom

  3. WTH is an STD Party?


  5. The only way to know for sure is to get tested when you have these bumps because a blood test is not 100% accurate. However, just because you dreamt it, does not mean you have it. It was probably just your subconscious talking.  

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