
Last night i had this dream that my boyfriend had gotten lost in the woods.

by  |  earlier

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It wasn't a funny dream at all when i woke up i was panicking and could barely breath.. His cell phone only had one bar in the dream so i couldnt get a hold of him for long. And before you knew it i woke up What do you think this could mean?




  1. Is there something that you haven't told your boyfriend, that you're worried may put a rift in your relationship?  It seems like the dream signifies a fearful situation or problem (him being lost) and you can't talk to him about it (not being able to contact him).  It may be your subconsious guilt trying to surface.

  2. dude you really scared me forreal you should tell him about it seee what he  has to say i think its just saying that you really care for him and you cant live a moment without him and you need him in your life

  3. it shows that u really care for him and dont want anything bad to happen to him

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