
Last night i saw something in my house like a old lady staring at me when i woke up was it a ghost?

by  |  earlier

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OK i was at the library abd i checked the news papers and a old lady did died in my house):




  1. There is little remembrance of God in your home.

  2. You need to pray before going to bed asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family. Next if you ever see that lady command her to leave your house alone in the name of Jesus Christ.

  3. yea, its totally a ghost, thats so crazy! your pretty lucky for being able to see her.

    usally ghosts are there because the person they used to be died unwillingly, a murder or something. so their souls just stick around.

  4. omg ru serious? Dont tell us tho!! tell ghostbusters! i'd totally freak out and cry and call for my mommy!

  5. no such thing as ghosts.

    Maybe a dream or a demon.

    yikes sounds scary

  6. It sounds like she was just checking in on you to see if you were alright.Crossed over Grandmother are like that.When it happens to me I just thank them for caring .

  7. It was an evil spirit that you have somehow accidentally invited into your room.  Something that is in the room belonged to this spirit, could be a charm an Ouija board,  astrology tools, tarot cards.  All such things are demonic invitations.  Get rid of it and when you see it, demand it to go away.

  8. maybe it was or you were still dreaming perhaps

    i think it was

    thats is scary if i saw it i'd probably pisss myself

  9. wow thats scary as mess.

    i would move out! or live with your parents.

    ghosts cant hurt you, but they can scare you to were you leave.

    man im sorry! that must suck!

  10. This old lady is not a bad person ; she want you to know about where she died ; If theres a next time tell her  this ;; I know you die here ; but you do not belong to this world anymore ; so cross over ; because its there were you will find joy and peace ; so go in the light and I will pray for you for a whole week ;;; She should go away and not come back ; but you have to keep your promise about the prayer

  11. maybe she hasn't left for the afterlife and somehow is trying to tell u something. if things start to turn bad though its best to contact a church or a paranomal society.

  12. maybe you had one of those dreams where you woke up and it felt so wierd but you wernt really up.

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