
Last night me and my brothers had some strange occurences please give us ideas. (all animals/plants ruled out)

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at about 10:30ish pm PST, I heard scraping outside my family room window. This is about the 17th time its happened in the past 4 months and me and my brothers have proved to not be the sprinklers because the sounds travel down the wall, not side ways, and it can't be an animal because there is no animal that would make that sound that live near here. this time though was different. It sounded like a large animal, much larger then even a great dane, was scraping and the wall about four and a half feet off the ground. Then an hour later around 11:35, a glass that none of us were near, fell off the couch's side table. what was weird is that it was on a cup holder, perfectly steady and it just fell over and rolled off the table. It sounded like it was first picked up and then dropped, then fell over and rolled of the table. When it broke, the shards lay in a linear path, and it sharded (in shards) rather then shattering. The stress point/point of impact was still intact but very fragile.




  1. I would say you do have some activity there. Sounds of scraping could be mice or rats in the walls,but is also attributed to poltergeist activity; and things moving/ falling in odd ways is a sure sign of activity.

    If you can borrow a camcorder or voice recorder it will make investigation easier.

    Try a local witch to find the energy and clear it or a priest to bless the space. You will get more information from a witch, and priests just go through the same ritual without feeling anything.

  2. I understand you said all plants and animals ruled out.

    But the outside scraping noises cold very well be a Persian cat.

    They are very large. The same occurrence happened to me

    and it was my neighbors Persian cat using the side of my house as a scratching post.

    how convenient .

    As for the glass, do you live in an earthquake area.?

    believe it or not sometimes small movements are occuring under the ground some stonger then others could have caused that.

    and you do know about the many tornadoes that happened yesterday around the middle order of America?

    could have been that to

    anyhow hope that everything turns out best!, Aly

  3. I've heard that evil comes in different packages, perhaps to trick you sometimes they make noises (animal), and other times the cry of a baby.  be careful and tell your parents or a member of your church, don't make fun of this or things will tend to get worse.

  4. Hmmn, creepy. I would bless your house incase it is something creepy. Wierd, we have had some wierd things like that happen at my apartment. There was a vase of sunflowers on our movie shelf that just flopped right off onto the floor with no one touching it. A toy of my sister's flew at me about two weeks ago.

    Ghost, or demon from the sounds of it, a mischevious creature for sure.

  5. Sounds kinda creepy... have you ruled out electrical cords scraping the wall or pipes making noise? What about the table being wobbly? Or maybe somebody jumping/sitting or doing something that would cause the table to vibrate? Having a drinking glass not shatter sounds odd. I'd say try seeing if you can duplicate the results.

  6. hmmm id say itz a poltergeist try doin evp or somethin

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