
Last night my boyfriend & I went out for a little bit to get some pie & came back to his apartment complex...

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& his friend David & a couple of friends were outside unexpectedly. You see, there was some stuff that went down prior to last night & ever since my boyfriend's friend & I don't get along. SO he tries to contact my boyfriend & get him to "hang out" with him just so he can immaturely "talk c**p" on me to my boyfriend & convince him to break up with me. My boyfriend chooses to ignore his calls & doesn't want to be friends with him anymore because of all that. Anyway, his friend David & whoever else walked up I assume they had been waiting outside for quite some time for us to get back seeing how we ignored his calls all day. He basically tried to convince my boyfriend to go to some party which my boyfriend is in college & is trying to keep his nose clean. My boyfriend refused & called his brother on my phone for back up in case he tried anything crazy. Well he started to get angry that he wouldn't go with him & kept telling my boyfriend right in front of me, that he should dump me because I'm a b****. & started to approach my boyfriend like he was going to grab him & throw him in the car & drive off. Could he have been charged with anything if that were to happen since it was against my boyfriend's will?




  1. Looks like your bf's friend has a "secret feeling" with him. A hetero friend will not act like a spurned lover.

    If he takes your bf against his will/by force and intimidation, then yes that is kidnapping.  You should talk to your bf, and tell him you dont want to ruin his friendship with that guy, but his friend's acts are scary and you are worried he will be planning to harm any of you. I suggest you convince him to talk to police if things do get worse.

  2. That's kidnapping.  Sound like your bf's friend has some obsession problems.  Get a gun.

  3. if they did it and it was against his will, then yea they could be arrested as long as your boyfriend is willing to press charges. moving someone anywhere against their will is kidnapping...

  4. If he took your boyfriend against his will, that would be kidnapping.

  5. Kidnapping.

  6. The charges could include, assault, battery, and kidnapping for the person that could have taken your boyfriend.  You and your boyfriend should file a restraining order to start the process of criminal activity against this guy.  Change your telephone numbers to an unlisted one.  This way if such an event does occur there is already a legal history of you and your boyfriend trying to avoid this person.

  7. It is illegal to threaten violence or bodily harm. He coudl go to jail just for a threat. He can be charged will assult and battery if he grabbed and threw him. He could be charged with kidnapping if he threw him in a car and drove off with him. He coudl be charged wiht all of the above if he did all of these things. He would go to jail for the night and if convicted could spend up to a year in jail. OR at the very least, probation and community service.

    Now, it isn't uncommon for friends to get jealous of the girlfriend. A great example would be the musical singing group "The Beatles". When John Lennon started seeing Yoko Ono, all heck broke lose. They hated her. A great modern day story can be watched on A& E channel called "The Two Corey's". It's about two stars from the 80's that have many difficulties with friendship now. Much of it due to one growing up and getting married while the other one continues to use drugs and wants to remain young and single.

    There's only one solution in the end. It's not something you can even tell your boyfriend about. The friends have to go their seperate ways. But your boyfriend will have to be the one to chose that path and decide how and when he'll do it.

    Guy's have friendships way different than girls do. They bond in ways that women do not. It's very hard for htem to let go. He will want his friend to come and finally accept you. It will take him a very long time to see that it won't ever happen.

    It's a bummer that he allows this guy to talk to you in such a way. He needs to make it clear to his friend that to do so again, will mean their friendhsip being over for good. Period. The friend doesnt' need to like you, but repsect him enough to not call you names.

    I dealt with this from my husbands brother! The man still doen't like me and is still mad his brother "changed". When all he did ws grow up instead. But my husband made it clear that it's disrespectful for his brother to say anything bad to me or about me. Not if he wants to maintain a relationship with him. But i had to stay far out of it, like you are doing. It also took time and we were a little older at the time than you two are now. Not by much, but it helped.

    good luck.  

  8. How about be guilty of terminal immaturity.

    Grow up.  Both of you.

  9. IF he had touched your bf, all kinds of charges could be filed.  Since all he did was talk, there was no crime.

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