
Last nights dream?

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I was in a school cafeteria and I wanted to buy lunch. I didn't have any cash so I pulled out my debit card and went to pay. . . but a receipt came out that said basically something to the fact that I had $27.50 in my account but for some reason I couldn't use my debit card. I immediately realized in the dream that somehow someone had stolen my money. I knew I had $800 in my account (which is odd because I do actually have that much in my account). I ran off to find my mother for help.

The strangest thing about this dream is that I've had many dreams involving me in a cafeteria.. going through the line to get lunch. Sometimes the cafeteria is the same cafeteria I ate at in elementary school other times its a completely fictional cafeteria. It's so weird.




  1. that sounds fun, the cafeteria is a social place where you can take a break and eat (i like eating), cafeteria is a fun place where your friends are waiting for you. unfortunately, your money was stolen and you didnt eat lunch? dreams make weird numbers because if youre gonna steal, steal all $800... if it has any meaning, i would say, youre missing out on something, physically or something of deeper emotion

  2. Your dream is about financial responsibility.  The cafeteria is the first place you had to account for your personal finances, lunch money in school all by yourself.  

    Now it still represents your anxiety about money, savings etc.  You worry about your cash, and in your dream you go to the place where you learned to use money for the first time.

  3. crazy
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