
Last nights storm?

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i live in the west midlands, the weather , ,was very bad, but lucky, the only damage i had was tiles that have blown off my roof, what was the weather like where you live, was it bad, and did you get any damage, blue




  1. Nope , it was perfect here , Iive in Phoenix, AZ

  2. I am on the south coast.

    very windy last night. our aerial is down so catching up on all those films i meant to watch!!

    also rain blowing in under the door and through the letterbox!!

  3. Nothing Happened Here but i suppose that's because nothing ever happens here.

    Have a postcard:

  4. where i live we never got it

  5. I live in the mid west and the winter is finally breaking and getting just a little warmer. 35 today. I'll be so glad when summer gets here --I'm so sick of snow and ice. Sorry you lost the tiles on your roof but glad you are safe.

  6. Had a small dieased oak across our lane , I've been meaning to get rid of it for a while, saved me a few quid, though I've still got to finish clearing up its remnants.  Apart from that looks like I'm going to have to clear the d**n leaves up yet again.

  7. Never really happened up here in Yorkshire.

  8. I barely noticed it ............... London never gets any extreme weather ...... the pollution keeps it away.

  9. N/E and apart from being windy this morning, it has been mild and rainy... No damage as yet. Hopefully it has blown itself out!

  10. I thought the storm was not as bad as everyone was making it out to be. i live in LONDON  and it was just cold in school i was freezing.

  11. I live in Australia near Brisbane, and we had some rain but most of it was patchy.

  12. here in Somerset its a nightmare. My car door blew shut on my wrist earlier (painful) and my neighbours fence flew off somewhere! wheelie bins are alive and chasing cars down the street, quickly followed by black bins. I think there are a million carrier  bags stuck in the trees and there are still daft people trying to shelter under umbrellas lol. so far no power lines are down where I live, but they are not too far away.

  13. am in the good old U.S.A and its cold here in the middle!

  14. sorry about your problems but i had no extreme weather here in Arkansas USA we had our bad weather about a month ago when a tornado passed through the area killing several and destroying many homes and other property. then we had several deep snows but nothing we couldn't handle. we have a saying here "if you don't like the weather, just wait 5 minutes".

  15. off shore wind so not to much cliff falls .spurn point was closed due to waves coming over away with it this time.[e.yorkshire Humber estuary.]

  16. We do get other storms but the last one was compounded with the high spring tides, the sea has claimed more land on the east coast, rather large clumps of it near here. Lots of tiles litter the streets, which is a shame, as they are 2 to 300 years old, and trees uprooted, though I've only seen one.

  17. Hello,

    (ANS) I live in Leeds West Yorkshire (near headingley cricket ground) I was expecting the weather conditions last night to be far worse than it turned out.

    *We had much lower wind speeds than forecast but the main feature was VERY heavy rain squalls with some sleety stuff, the rain went on for a long time in the small hours of the night.

    *Fortunately I live on a hill side and my house is about 35 to 45 feet above sea level and my flood risk is 1 in 10,000 according to the environment agencies website. Kirkstall Road and Kirkstall valley at the bottom of our street has occasionally flooded once or twice in the last 10years but nothing this time though.

    *I'm much more concerned about winds & gusting winds than flood risks.

    *Most of the major storms we get where I live come from a westerly direction (this is the prevailing wind direction) but yesterday it was a southerly which is unusual for Leeds.

    *No damage here wind speeds were too low fortunately, nothing like south west England.


  18. so sorry to hear about you loss. weather here is fine.

  19. oh man!  i live in NH and it was like h**l!  lol!

  20. I live in Colchester & it was bad. We have 2 trees but they were OK. My dad panics dreadfull about the weather. I said to him "Stop worrying its not the Tsumani"

  21. We`re on the West coast of Scotland, only rain last night, no wind at all, thank god

  22. live in Ireland while it was fairly windy we thank God escaped the gale force winds that affected parts of England

  23. Wet and windy in West Yorkshire, but nothing to write home about.

  24. I'm next door in soth east Staffordshire and slept through it. Wonderful things ear plugs

  25. I live in Sheffield South Yorkshire and all I've seen today is rain on and off. There has been no wind yet. And no didn't have any damage.

  26. Me and the children got blown all the way to school, then drown on the way home, very wet and windy in east sussex, several trees down, and it was amusing watching the bin men this morning chasing the recycling boxes around, bless them

  27. It had no effects here in Shropshire, UK. It was calm, with little rain, we even had some sunshine in the afternoon.

  28. I live in Ireland and we had trees down, flooding and some structural damage.

    The wind and rain are in full swing again now, but not as bad as last night.

  29. over here is cold and soon the weather is getting warm.other then that its ok(New Haven Ct)*
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