
(Last question--I promise XD) Islam's 'rituals' seem so overwhelming to the new learner!!! HELP!?

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I am learning about Islam but it seems soooooo overwhelming compared to Christianity. You have to learn a whole new language in order to pray, you have to know all the prayer moves, you have to dress a new way, speak a new way, and so on and so on...

I *know* there's a reason to this, but it just seem so overwhelming. How can I get past this so it doesn't discourage me from learning more about Islam?




  1. Take baby steps sister.  Allah sees your eagerness and knows your intentions but don't be hard on yourself during the first few weeks.

    Slow down, take your time, team up with Muslim sisters at the local mosque if there is one close by and you'll learn Inshallah.

    Best of luck.

  2. Determination and lots of perseverance. If you are so determined to convert then you have to persevere. All roads to holiness have obstacles and you have to overcome them all. Good luck, Azalam malaikum. I'm a Christian and I have no intention of converting though

  3. I'd say learn Arabic it's better you know reading the Quran in the way it should be read it's different. But you shouldn't stress yourself .. just take it all step by step .. learn the basics Prayers ... the pillers of Islam. Be in contact with a muslim so you could ask questions whenever you feel stuck. Trust me muslims like it when they help new learners.

  4. Keep in mind that Christians have a lot of "strict" rules too, many of them just dont practice them(out of convenience, not knowing b/c they dont always know much about their faith, etc).

    I do know what you mean though, Im a new Muslim. take it slllllooooow so you dont get overwhelmed

  5. Any thing we get easily like Christians & Jews is

    woth it.

    Allah tests Momins so many ways b4 granting them heaven. See what

    Allah says in Quran.

    Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah tests those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) tests those who are

    As-Sabirin (the patient ones, etc.)?  

    (  ÃƒÂ˜Ã‚³Ã™ÂˆÃ˜Â±Ã˜Â© آل عمران  , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #142)


    (2) And be not like her who undoes the thread which she has spun after it has become strong, by taking your oaths a means of deception among yourselves, lest a nation may be more numerous than another nation. Allah only tests you by this (i.e who obeys Allah and fulfills Allahs Covenant and who disobeys Allah and breaks Allahs Covenant). And on the Day of Resurrection, He will certainly make clear to you that wherein you used to differ (i.e. a believer confesses and believes in the Oneness of Allah and in the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad SAW which the disbeliever denies it and that was their difference amongst them in the life of this world).  

    (  ÃƒÂ˜Ã‚³Ã™ÂˆÃ˜Â±Ã˜Â© النحل  , An-Nahl, Chapter #16, Verse #92)

  6. Perhaps try to study privately or a Madrasah.

    One hour or two per day, or evening classes or just Saturday's will be sufficient to cover the syllabus and able you easy understanding.

    Practice gives experience, and your knowledge on Islam is then perfected which enables you to perform your actions with devotion.

  7. Take it slow and easy. When the Prophet (peace be upon him) called people to Islam, he made them learn to love Allah before teaching them all the laws and rules. All that will come naturally.

    We have not sent down the Qur'an unto you (O Muhammad SAW) to cause you distress, rather it is a Reminder to those who are conscious of Allah. (Qur'an 20: 2-3)

  8. I don't speak arabic and it is difficult when i first try to memorize a verse from the quran, so you are not alone. you should take arabic classes that is what i am doing.

  9. ask as many questions as you like.  As for these points you mentioned, yes I admit they can be quite overwhelming and even intimidating in the beginning.  When you embrace Islam, basically you are starting your life all over again and you have to re-learn so many aspects.  When I became a Muslim, I felt the exact same way, and that is normal.  My advice to you is to first and foremost, do not make a 180 degree change overnight.  You will definitely be overwhelmed then and it will make it all the more difficult for you.  Ease into things.  Focus on one of two issues at a time (for example with Ramadan coming u, focus on fasting & praying).  You will find that when you start to implement things step by step, your faith will grow and you will also feel more confident and comfortable which will make the other adjustments easy.  It is very vital during this time also to network with other Muslims in your area.  Inshallah I wish you the best.  

  10. I totally agree with what the first user said. You don't really need to learn a new language to pray. And the prayer moves really ARE easy.

    But the reason why Islam has a lot of this is because not only is it a religion, but a way of life. You get what I'm saying? Like we do supplication when we want something from Allah (God) and we pray 5 times a day, and we try to eat with our right hand, instead of our left hand. I know this might sound like it's strict, or too much, but again, it's because Islam is also a way of life, which I really like. I really enjoy my life as a muslim, and I don't know how I would be if I wasn't a muslim.

    Basically, the answer to your question is that Islam is not only a religion, but a way of life. That is why there are "new ways." Thank God I am a muslim. Hope this helped!


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