
Last school year my three children were in 1st grade, 2nd grade and 4th grade. So I am just curious if you?

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had children in these grades how much homework did they bring home, how much time did they spend on their homework and if you wouldn't mind what state did they go to school in. Thanks.




  1. florida all my life im only in 7th grade but i remeber

    1st grade: 1-2 pages of reading and math mon-thurs

    2nd: a little more than the above

    4th: HORROR! write a story every monday math rest of the week and read. but remeber every teacher is different!

  2. My son was in first grade and my daughter in third last year.  The first graders got one page of math two or three times a week, and occasionally (4 or 5 times during the year) brought home a book to read and some questions to answer about it.  The math homework never took more than about 5 minutes.  The reading homework with the questions took about half an hour.

    When my daughter was in second grade she had a page (about 5 minutes) of math homework 4 days a week, and was expected to read at least 20 minutes a night.  When she was in third grade, she had one page of math and one page of reading homework each night plus a list of about 15 spelling words for the week, and was expected to read at least 20 minutes a night.  Not including the reading (which she'd have been doing anyway) it took her only about 10-15 minutes to finish it all.

    We're in Massachusetts.

  3. Well when I was that age (in a great public school)I don't remember getting a lot of daily homework per say, but I had a fair amount of big projects (science fair, dioramas, book reports, essays, that kind of thing). I did usually get 1 or 2 pages of math worksheets per day and spelling words once a week to study, but a lot of my work was done in class.

    And I certainly don't feel like my education was in any way jeopardized. My parents used to refer to my public schooling as "a private education for the public school system" and I loved that school. I seriously think it was one of the best (and sadly not all public schools are like that)

    I nannied for some kids in 2nd and 3rd grade that went to Challenger private school and I actually think their amount of homework was ridiculous. The 3rd grader usually had 30 math questions to do, a reading journal, 30 spelling words to write 10 times each, definitions for all the spelling words, a poem to memorize, language arts and grammar assignments...I mean they started doing hw right out of school at 3:30 and still hadn't finished by bedtime at 8:30.

    I think a page or 2 of daily math and grammar is acceptable and some weekly homework assignments like spelling words are fine too, and I definitely think that long-term projects are great but I don't think children that age should be coming home bogged down in homework like that. They are kids! They need to experience what it is like to be a kid and be able to play and have fun after school before their life gets any more stressful.

    I think in some instances we are forcing our kids to grow up faster and we are throwing these huge responsibilities on them like having 4 hours of homework a night in elementary school. I don't think that kind of homework load should appear until middle school.

  4. ok. this was a really really really long time ago, but i had 2 or 3 homeword assignments in 2nd and 3rd grade..

    i spent under an hour each day. depending... i did better when i had a snack.

    in 5th grade, i had like, 4 teachers cause the 1st one quit and my essentially, my mom got the 2nd one fired, the 3rd one was a long term sub, and the 4th one was there for all of 4 weeks.

    but i had about 45 minutes of homework

  5. My kids rarely had work they were in 1st and 3rd grade last year. My oldest had a homework pack about 4 pages front and back and spelling. My youngest had only spelling, but it was because they get all their work done in class. They both had home reading to do as well. They are in the top percent of their class (both above level) and I was told by their teacher they have none because they get it all done at school. At this point school comes very easy to both of them.

  6. my daughter would get like 2 pages of math.......100 facts on 1 sheet and like 30 on the other. It would take her about 10 minutes to get done. she was in 2nd grade in Illinois

  7. I have an 8 year old just turned and she had  a sheet of reading a math sheet and spelling words and sentences Mon-Thurs also she did book reports and we live in Washington DC and she was in second grade last year

  8. we are Victoria in Australia. My kids are in Grade 3. They bring home home work on Monday to go Back Friday. Each of the 4 days thay have about 15 spelling words to write and they have one maths sheet to be completed in the 4 days. So about 10 min a day but my kids have finished it already and it is Wednesday.

    Oh and reading at night. They read for about 30 min in bed before they go to sleep

  9. Our daughter went to private school in all day K and 1st grades.  She had 2-4 pages Mon-Thur of school work.

    In 2nd grade we moved her to public school.  Last year she got 3-5 pages once a week to be turned in the following week.  

    So you van imagine our disappointment with sending her to public.  We do a lot of supplementing homework at home.   The public school system in Central Indiana is definately lacking.

  10. For my second graders, I give one phonics sheet, one math sheet, and one math fact sheet per night (Mon.-Thurs) for a total of 15-20 min.  They are also expected to read aloud a story and answer questions on it, study for spelling tests, and memorize a Bible verse each week.  In total, that's an average of 20-30 minutes of homework each night.  By 4th grade, students at our school do a minimum of 30 min of work a night, plus long term reports and projects.

    Private school, California (about 80-85th percentile on national normed tests).  My cousins in a "distinguished" public school have a similar workload.

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