
Last season's converse?

by  |  earlier

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i JUST bought these super cute shoes

and i was looking around the website and found out that they were in the "outlet" section.

It says "these include last season's limited editions and odd sizes"

will i be criticized for wearing "last season" converses??????????


i hope not





  1. no ones going to be able to tell so probably not, just don't tell anyone there from last seasonn

  2. as long as u don't tell anyone

    no one will know

    so then u cant be criticized :)

  3. i highly doubt it no one will know if they are last season of not

    plus, if it's pretty who cares?

  4. care about something like this when there are more important things in the world?

    oh god...

  5. I still wear a pair of Converse from ... um ... about 7 years ago ...

    And people still say, "Cool shoes!"

    Anyone who would criticize you for wearing "last year's" shoes needs to realize there are more important things in life ... and, certainly, a pair of shoes might reasonably be expected to last more than a single season?

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