
Last week,my car was hit by the security officer's bike when I parked in the University.?

by Guest66598  |  earlier

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today,serveral scratches and dents found on my car. What can I do now? Because I borrow the car from my friend, I am worried about it will affect my friend's car insurance if I call police.Pls give me some suggestions.Thank you.




  1. Call the police and have your friend call her insurance company. It should not effect your friend's insurance UNLESS she does not have insurance for someone else to be driving her car - (uninsured motorist). If she does not have uninsured motorist added to her insurance she should not have loaned you the car. In my state, it is just like driving with NO insurance if you loan your car to someone and you do not have uninsured motorist added on your policy. I have a good friend that got sued right up the wahzoo because someone borrowed his car and got into an accident without uninsured motorist coverage - but you still need to report this so your friend can get her car fixed - unless she just wants you to pay it out of your pocket.

  2. As far as i know,this is a question with many different answers,it is really depend on the judgement of yourself,provide a great resource here for reference though.

  3. if u have not told your friend, u need to tell them. then you take this to the police.

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