
Last week lost baby and now I have to deal with this!?

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Last Wed. I underwent emergency surgery (D&E). I had IVs in my left arm - many of them. I was released on Thursday, but by Sunday I went back to ER with complaints about how bad my arm hurt. The ER doc had ultrasound tests done and showed superficial phlebitis (sp). I was told to put arm up, with heat and take ibuprophen and to see outpatient vascular dr. in two days to make sure clot has not moved.

I went to the dr. on Tuesday and the technician said the clot hadn't moved and that it was in a superficial vein. He said he wanted me to the see dr. on Thursday.

I came back in today and met with the Dr. He said that I need to take aspirin and that the clot is more Deep Vein than Superficial. I'm so perplexed!!!! First they all say superficial and now he says "more like" deep vein, but not exactly deep vein - HOW CONFUSING FOR ME.

So then he said he wanted me to take two adult aspirins twice a day for a week and to come back in next Friday for another ultrasound. I said, "that's it?" Aspirin? He said, well I could put you on coumadin but at this point I think it'd be "overkill". I said, am I going to die from this. He told me that it is very very rare for an arm DVT to turn into emboli. I asked if he'd take the vein out and he said "nope, only if it got badly infected." He then said that some people have this their entire life!

I felt bad and started crying and I said to him, "I went in for surgery and come out with a clot in my arm." He said, "it's very common actually."

I told him I have anxiety about this and he reassured me again that at this point in time it's not life threatening and that with medication and weekly follow ups things should improve and at least we know where we stand.

Have any of you had DVT in your arm? I'm scared. I have two amazing kids, a great life all in all and I love life and this clot thing really has me on edge. How can I get positive and move on and just treat this without it tearing me down.





  1. Okay take the aspirin it is a blood thinner and at your age it wont affect anything else than the clot.  You need to go threw your family doctor and see a haematologist. who deals strictly veins and blood issues.  Keep an eye on the clot if you feel any symptoms such as dizziness, nausea extreme pain in your upper arm then go the hospital right away.  But  call your family doc to get a referral and ask them to put a rush on it.  My friend has two clots in her arms form ivs and they have her on rat poison so I know its scary but it will be okay. That is all I can tell you.

  2. Oh heck - this must be horrible for you.

    I know aspirin sounds like nothing, but it's actually a really, really good blood thinner without the side effects of the stronger drugs.

    Don't panic. It must be scary as h**l, but try to remember that your hormones are all over the place at the moment and that is magnifying all the bad feelings. If you can't get positive right now it's not a disaster. Give yourself time, keep on getting help, and good luck!

  3. The aspirin will help thin the blood.  You my dear are an emotional mess.  Invite some of the girls over for a  relaxing day and to help take your mind off of it. Relax!!!!  You have been through a lot in 2 weeks.  Sit down and take a breather.  You will be fine.  

  4. this made me cry!:'(

  5. It's not unusual to develop a clot after surgery.  You requested that they remove the vein and the clot, but think about this.  Blood clots are common after surgery - if you have another surgery, you increase the chances of another blood clot.

    Aspirin is a blood thinner and will most likely dissolve the clot.  The doctor is right about coumadin being over kill - it could thin your blood too much and cause more problems.  Coumadin is worth the risk when the clot has a high risk of moving to your lungs or heart.

    Have faith in your doctor, and follow his instructions.  Realize that he spent many years in school learning from experts and his own experience.  The treatment you are receiving is appropriate for your condition.  To treat it more aggressively would be putting you life at greater risk.

  6. why is this in the pregancy section shouldnt it be in woman heath? (not being mean just wondering) i dont know too much about dvt but heres an article about it. good luck to you and i hope all is well

  7. I'm sorry that your going through all of this. I think leave it up to the doctor's hands and if you don't feel it's right get a secong opinion. Also pray and leave it to gods hands (if you believe in god) sorry and I wish you the best.

  8. You need totalk to someone.Call the Samaritans...they're there to talk and listen to everyone who needs someone to talk to...I know a couple of people who have really benefited from calling them...because they needed to talkand most importantly...they needed someone to listen.

    Give them a try.

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