
Last year, me and one other thought this one was funny. Have I made it laugh?

by  |  earlier

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My eyes are on fire

Flat screen…flat line…

Hands reaching out, skyward,

Loss of voice, rhythm fibrillation,

Blunted gasps gulp at missing air,

Shooting pain, gone asunder,

What is this thing,

This blazing thunder…

“Who put Dave’s Insanity Sauce in my Soup?”





  1. not only funny it is an accurate description of a miocardio infarction

  2. I occasionally indulge in a vindaloo...this just about describes what my response is....but, then I just go back and do it again.

    (ps - shouldn't you be compiling a book, or summat?)

  3. Soup!!.......Oh man you are making me hungry!


  4. Ah, yes ... you have a winner.  

    It also has hints of a heart attack, but that last line is a kicker!

    Well done, as usual.


  5. Oh ... I just love it!

  6. Way Funny TD!

  7. Now I know why I don't like hot sauce!  Nice description of an MI as well.  You are one versatile Poet. And you really made me laugh...other library patrons want to read it, too.  See what a ruckus you've raised?!

  8. Add me to the list of the funny thinkers.

  9. my friend put it in my taco bell burrito one time, and I almost died! haha

  10. Yeah..........I remember those days when I could have Louisiana's Green Sause ,,,,,,Now I cannot go near the stuff

    Anything Hot is a no- no

  11. HA!! Love it! We go to St. Martin's fair every year and bring home a couple of new bottles of hot sauce. Currently in my fridge is a bottle of orange stuff called Professor Phardtpounders Colon Cleaner: Elixir of Capsaicin Extremus...

  12. Reminds me of a Vindaloo.  Too hot !!!

  13. You sure have.I should buy some for my Asian students.Everytime I make wings and think I have made the barbeque sauce hot, they laugh at me and say it is sweet.

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