
Last year (8th grade) i had all these friends but by the end of the year suddenly they hated me. what do i do?

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since summers almost over, going back to school is going to be so awkward since all of my friends hate me and make fun of me behind my back. on facebook, my 'old friend' wrote on a normal pic of me just smiling "omg, sarah (one of my 'old friends') hehe... can;t wait til school so we can laugh at this more!" what should i do???




  1. find better and new

  2. why do they hate u?

  3. find new friends

    it is what i did every year of high school

  4. Do not talk to them any more once you go to school, because anything you say will just give them more to gossip about. If they say anything to you or harass you, go to a teacher or at least write it down just in case they decide to harass you, but more than likely once you show them that you refuse to sink to their level, they'll move on to something else.

    I wish I could tell you that there's a way to get them back as friends, but there probably isn't. If they want to be immature, just let them and do not associate with those people.

    If you're just starting high school, you're bound to make friends anyway! Good luck!

  5. find new friends, that you can be yourself around.

  6. rule number one;

    Don't worry about it, you can and will find another set of friends. People in junior high school usually do, so then by high school. That group will be gone onto other things.

    rule number two;

    stay open to meeting new people and stop worryinging so much on what they think, chances are they are ither jealous or something else. Who cares is my advice. Move on and grow with or without them. You will find alot still stuck in kidlike schoolish mode anyway...

    rule number three;

    The important this is to keep your eye on the ball and finish school. I guareentee those loosers will be knocking on your door someday for a job.So according to the way things happen, relax   everyone at that age is going through some serious head games anyway with their own lives. Its the fake faces they all have to wake up with that they try to understand and yet haven't. Hang in there it will fly by in no time.

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