
Last year I just used my ID to get into Tijuana, but do you need a passport this year?

by Guest64001  |  earlier

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I am bringing some hispanic friends and everyone is good age-wise. Mostly White. But will I have trouble getting into Tijuana with just ID's. Do we need birth certificates now?




  1. to get into tijauna?

    they never ask for anything when you go into tijuana.

    if you mean comeing back, then yes you need proof of citizenship and a legal photo i.d.

    passport will do.

  2. Everyone  over 18 going to and from Mexico by LAND needs to have a photo I.D. and a proof of citizenship...EITHER  a passport or birth certificate.  See site below. What difference does it make what color the people are?

  3. always

  4. how bout you stay out of mexico? and never come i aure you no one likes your kind in tijuana or anywhere else.

  5. Hey, Big Philly,

    They will let you back even with no ID.

    The new government requirements only get  you back to CA without a stop in secondary.

    Example:  your IDs are lost or stolen.  Or, more likely, in the hands of a TJ s*x worker (where regular contribute mine)

    The nice man in green will simply send you over to secondary.

    Secondary officers then roll their eyes, oh my, then ask you if sold your IDs!

    Ha, Ha.

    Good little citizens need either a passport,

    (from some country other than Mexico) or a birth certificate and another photo ID.

    The best thing is to drink alot and have some patience.  Border crossing times of 2-4 hours are common.

    Get out of your car on the Mexican side of the line and meet some girls.  

    Who really cares if it takes you an extra minute because your friend brings a library card and his dorm key for ID???

    "You can't come back into this country mister!!"

  6. You don't need an I.D. or a birth certificate to get into Tijuana, but you will need your I.D. for  age verification in Tijuana when going into bars or when ordering alcohol. When returning to the U.S. you will need your I.D. and birth certificate, or a U.S. passport, or a foreign passport with a valid visa for entry to the U.S.

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