
Last year it only flurried a couple times..?

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I remember checking the weather almost everiday for snow and for snow on xmas. But it only flurried like 3 times. I love snow and i misssss it ahha. I live in southern NJ. Is here a bad place for snow and do yu think i have any chance of seeing it in dec, jan ? :]




  1. Jersey usually gets more than flurries. Do you mean flurried on xmas, or all you got was flurries the whole winter?  I live in VA and i love snow. Every 3 to 4 years, we get a nor' easter that goes up the coast, and we get about a foot of snow, but other than that, we usually just get flurries.  I think you have a chance of seeing snow in december and january.  As crazy as the weather has been lately, who knows.  I have never seen a white christmas, but 2 years ago, we had 14 inches of snow on December 26.  I was so mad that it didn't snow one day earlier.

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