
Last year my Agriculture teacher said if u can't fit an ag class in ur classes one year there is independant

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study, is this true ?(agriculture like FFA, future famers or america, if u don't know what it is then don't answer)




  1. i dont think so

  2. Lena, one can ALWAYS study independatly.  I took Ag & Horticulture in High School.  However I've know since I was a six year old child I was going to grow up to live on a farm.  The entire course of my life has basically been one big study lesson for the reality of living on a farm.  

    I did both FFA, & 4H when I was a teenager.  Both were fun, but frankly neither one has teaches children the reality of farming.  

    I believe my market lamb (FFA) sold for 87 cents a pound, when real sheep ranchers were getting 30-35 cents a pound.  The highest priced lamb that year sold for $1.96 a pound at the FFA is that even coming close to teaching children the reality of the cost of raising a market lamb, vs. what you would get at an "honest" auction?

    I raise meat goats, and meat rabbits now, for a living.  I'm unbelievably tired of watching them teach children to raise goats with a huge layer of fat over their entire bodies.  I know exactly what my customers want....and it's NOT fat animals.  They want lean muscle.

    Find some part of agriculture you are most interested in.  Seak out a farmer involved in what you are most interested in, and then appoach them, ask question, ask if you can help out, hang out, and learn from them.

    When I was a teenager, I use to ride my horses EVERYWHERE.  I would stop and talk to a 96 year old farmer, who was STILL out plowing his one acre garden, with oxen!!!  Everything I learned from him was amazing.  He still lived in the log cabin, he'd built his for his bride, when they were amoung some of the first to settle Wahsington State.

    I also spent time talking to another man, also 96 years old.  I learned about his family who use to own the ENTIRE Snohomish Valley, and how they were among the first batch of farming pioneers to settle there.

    Never stop learning, never stop asking quetions.  Never stop reading...I still read at least a book a day.  Always remember the elderly are a GOLDMINE of knowledge and information!  Seek them out!


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

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