
Last year of College; Should I bother making friends?

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I'm gonna be a senior this year. For the past three years I've essentially had few, if any, friends even though I did participate in several groups activities. Everyone I do know are what I would call 'close associates', not people I really enjoyed hanging out with or who I look foward to seeing. Now that I'm in my last year, I'm wondering if I should even bother trying. Is there even a point anymore?




  1. If you live at school, I would think it would be impossible to not make friends.  Nut, I've never done that.  I go locally and do not even bother trying.  I have enough friends.

  2. Please do make some friends this year.  I speak from experience.  If I had not made friends with this skinny boy from Ga.who was in my crafts class, I probably would not have been married for 46 years today.  Yes, I married him, and he's the best thing that ever happened to me, and it was my senior year in college.  I thought all boys were fickle, but this one was true blue and still is.  Happy hunting!  Grams

  3. Yes they could be friends forever or they may have connections that will help you later in life!

  4. Sure, be friendly but remember your main purpose is academics. I'm sure you wont see most of those people again. Its difficult. Just don't put pressure on yourself to 'make friends' and I bet you will hook up with people of your same values if you are active in any groups.

  5. No.  You sound so depressing and miserable that people won't want to be around you.  Why make others lives worse?  Maybe you should change your attitude.

  6. Of course you should. making friends and socializing is important, and now that you are a senior, you should have no problems making friends with anybody in any grade. You never know who you might meet, and you should really try to keep in touch with the people you will get to know.

  7. Go to your college's health center.  Tell them you would like to talk to a psychologist.  This is provided for free at most colleges in the U.S.  If you talk to a professional about your difficulties connecting with your peers, they may have many helpful suggestions as to what you can do for yourself to make having friends come more naturally.

    Don't give up on yourself- this one little move may make this the best year you've had!

  8. I would, but knowing me, I would have tried to make friends soon, like my Freshman year.

    They say that the friends you make in college, will be your friends for life. Not sure if that's true though.

    But make as many friends as you can. The least thing you want to be is a 60 y/o hermit, with no family, friends, or anything but your thoughts.

  9. well, you should make at least 2 close friends so when you go out in the real world.=, you'll have someone to call. and the friends you make in college are your friends for life.

    + if you ever wanna chill with anyone and not be called a loser you should make some

    i know that you can!

    best answer????

  10. yes.

    you never stop meeting people.

    you never stop making friends.

  11. Unless you want to be alone the whole year, of course there's a point in making friends.  There's a point in making friends everywhere you go.  Obviously make sure you're holding out for "quality" friends, but everyone wants someone to go out drinking with, to the movies with, etc!  Also, friends you make in college will last you through your whole life.  

    It's worth it.  Good luck!  

  12. it's worth a try to make some memories before you get old and depressed

  13. i think youre all being mean and overdramatic. sure he could use a happy thought or two, but its not so important to make friends now if hes been content without them so long. i think you should pull off a loner look. that way you get a girl!! : )

  14. Whoa... kind of a downer question eh?

    I think you should always try to make friends. Having people around you that you enjoy spending time with, or like their company can really help and boost one's sense of self.

    Do you take school maybe too seriosly? Not to say that school isnt serious... But you need to have a life as well, and friends can definitely help with that.

  15. Yes, people are not made to be alone. Friends are influential parts of your well-being. Having a connection with someone is such a stress reliever, especially being in your last stressful year of college. You can't consume yourself so much with school and work and not have an "out" like a good friend. Good friends are not easy to come by but when you find them you both just click and you find one more reason to wake up in the morning.

  16. I wouldn't say that you should "bother" making friends.

    If you have friends already that you like hanging out with and look forward to seeing them there's no point into making more friends.

    Now if you're interested in seeing other people and communicating with them and not only your current friends, then make some new friends. Every person you meet is different in their own way.

    That "new" person that you meet could be a life long friend other than your current friend standing next to you,but I would say that you let those new friends come to you and don't try. Trying is a lot tougher than it seems. Some things just happen in life for a reason.

    Like faith ! :)

  17. hm, some people need friends and rely on them for everything

    some, like you, don't

    just try not to put any pressure on yourself to make friends or not make friends

    let whatever happens, happen :]

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