Question: I pregnant...any advice would help?

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So my period is usually on the 24th sometimes I am late but only with in 3 days at he most. I am now 6 days late and nothing I took a test last night and it said no. I have been really tired, moody, with muscle type cramping not like your period cramps. With my forst baby I had no idea I was even pregnant for 6 weeks. Any advice or...anything really thank you:)




  1. Once again..make an app with your doctor to be sure?? But you could be??? Those home tests are never 100% accurate!

  2. I guess that since u have already had a baby that u aren't a little girl.  The fact that u feel moody might be b/c ur scared.(might be seeing something that is not there) You should see a doctor because the test might be wrong.  

  3. hi, my period is always all over the place. it scares me and im always taking tests, but i know im not pregnant.. it can happen. even though it said negative, your best to go to the doctors or take another test.. or just wait because your period should come

  4. Try a different test, and do it with first morning urine. It is more concentrated and more likely to give you a more accurate result. When you are still early you may not have enough concentration of HCG in your urine for it to show up positive at night.  

  5. How old are you ?

  6. either take a test again in a week or go to your doctor and have them do it.  It may have just been too early to detect.

  7. With my last two pregnancies, I used the name-brand pregnancy tests and it would take being over a week late before the tests finally came out positive.  With this one, I took a cheap Dollar Tree test when I was only a couple days late and it worked perfectly, showed a nice positive line.  So sometimes it does take a while, and brands can vary too.  I would wait a couple more days, and if still no period, then take another.  And hey, try the dollar store ones, ya never know!

  8. Are you under a lot of stress? Changed something radically? Do lots of exercise suddenly? Or stopped? I once was very late because of stress. I was very nervous as I was not getting my period and still pregnancy tests were negative.

    Now... If you have reasons to think you are pregnant I'd go to the farmacy and get a test.

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