
Late period. Pregnant?

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I had my last period on August 2nd... I had a sexual "encounter" on the 14th..... and my period should have come on the 24th.. it's never late. It's been 5 days and it hasn't come yet......... could i be pregnant?? is it too soon to try a pregnancy test?




  1. If your period is late, then yes you can test.  You can test as soon as your period is late.  You could be stressing out about being pregnant, and it could be delaying your period.  Good luck.

  2. take a test it sounds like u are

  3. you missed your period so yes you can test now good luck

  4. Well, you'd be right on the borderline of getting an accurate result, as it's usually recommended you wait at least 14-21 days after intercourse to test.

    But give it a shot today.

    If you get a negative result and your period doesn't start try again in 72 hours.

    If it's still no period and no result, see a doctor.
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