i have been in a relationship for 5 years. not on birth control, but use protection. once this past month, the condom was not put on until after intercourse began. however, that may be a little overreacting. i'm under no abnormal stress, no trauma, weight changes, medications, etc.
my period began on july 20. i'm on day 44 of this cycle and usually have 30-35 day cycles. i have taken hpt's (3) and they were all negative. so, i'm assuming i'm not pregnant, but i'm concerned since the whole month of august went without a mp, and i know it's possible for not enough hCG to have been produced, yet.
i've read on here that cramping is a sign of pregnancy, but also a mp. my stomach, this afternoon, has had pressure in my lower abdomen. i wouldn't think it's gas and was expecting it to be a period, but was wondering if there was a way to tell a difference. what type of cramping accompanies pregnancy?
also, implantation bleeding is mentioned a lot. i have had no spotting. does everyone have implantation bleeding?
i'm waiting for a blood test. esp. with the cramping, just to see if my mp starts....but i was wondering these couple of things.