
Late period and pressure in my abdomen?? PLEASE take time to read!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have been in a relationship for 5 years. not on birth control, but use protection. once this past month, the condom was not put on until after intercourse began. however, that may be a little overreacting. i'm under no abnormal stress, no trauma, weight changes, medications, etc.

my period began on july 20. i'm on day 44 of this cycle and usually have 30-35 day cycles. i have taken hpt's (3) and they were all negative. so, i'm assuming i'm not pregnant, but i'm concerned since the whole month of august went without a mp, and i know it's possible for not enough hCG to have been produced, yet.

i've read on here that cramping is a sign of pregnancy, but also a mp. my stomach, this afternoon, has had pressure in my lower abdomen. i wouldn't think it's gas and was expecting it to be a period, but was wondering if there was a way to tell a difference. what type of cramping accompanies pregnancy?

also, implantation bleeding is mentioned a lot. i have had no spotting. does everyone have implantation bleeding?

i'm waiting for a blood test. esp. with the cramping, just to see if my mp starts....but i was wondering these couple of things.




  1. I did not have any implantation bleeding at all with either pregnancy.

  2. go ask your doctor

  3. I never had implantation bleeding with my two pregnancies although it is very common. My early cramps were totally the same as my period cramps. I think things can be very different from person to person though so don't take my experience as concrete. I definitely think getting a blood test is the best thing at this point. It's possibly to get false negatives but not false positives.  

  4. Implantation bleeding is actually pretty rare. And I've never heard of cramping, I've heard of ligament pains but not almost immediately after conception. You should call a doctor.

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