
Late period!!!! but i have used protection! is there something wrong?

by  |  earlier

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my periods are always on time i did a test yesterday and it was negative. maybe i done it at the wrong time or too early? or is there something wrong?




  1. Are you on birth control? Condoms aren't 100% protective. Try another test, or wait a few days. i know i had a pregnancy scare once i was a week late but i was sick. Just relax wait 2 days if you got nothing take another test, and make a doctors appointment.

    -Good luck xD  

  2. hi are you in birth control if you not and use condom which is not100%safe so go to your doctor  

  3. though some protection isn't always 100% effective, you should try a preg. test in a few days just to make sure.

    it is probably your body adjusting to you being sexually active(I THINK, idk :/ )

    anyway, Good Luck!

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