
Late period but no symptoms?

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Do you think I'm pregnant? My period is six days late. I only had about one hour of nausea when I was pregnant with my first child.




  1. The only way to tell whether you are pregnant or not is a pregnancy test. Anything else is everybody's guess.

    If you are pregnant then 6 days after a missed period the HPT should be positive.

    A repeatedly negative pregnancy test when you missed your period means that you are not pregnant. At this point your chance being pregnant is 1%.

    Besides being pregnant, the next reason for missing your period is not ovulating (anovulation).

    That's why it's essential for every woman who TTC to chart her fertility and to know precisely each cycle if ovulation happened or not. Knowing if and when you ovulated usually removes any confusion you may have if your period didn't come. Start charting your fertility NOW. It helps you find out if you ovulated, whether you are fertile, and it will let you know early on if you are pregnant. If you know you ovulated and your period hasn't come 15+ DPO, then there could be only one reason: You are pregnant. If you know that you did not ovulate then you can often expect your period not to come and you are prepared for that.

    http://babymed. com/faq/Content.aspx?14684

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