
Late period from losing only 6 pounds?

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HI, after being regular all my life, my period is now 4 days late with no signs of showing up. Negative pregnancy test, as expected. I lost 6 pounds in the past two weeks by a very low fat diet/lots of exercise in preparation for my wedding, which was last saturday. Could this be the cause, maybe combined with the stress of the wedding? I thought only extreme weight loss caused missed periods, but could 6 pounds in a short time span do it? Thanks!




  1. Periods aren't necessarily about weight.  It's about body fat.  Low fat diets are not the answer to good health.  Don't get me wrong, I became VERY thin on a low fat/low calorie diet, but I also became very unhealthy and mentally ill.  

    By avoiding fat, you're probably skimping out on all fat soluble vitamins: A (for Vision, Gene Transcription, Immune Function, Embryonic Development and Reproduction, Bone Metabolism, Haematopoiesis, Skin Health, Reducing Risk of Heart Disease and Cancer, Antioxidant Activity), D (mostly for bone health), E (eliminates free radicals to protect cells), and K (mostly for blood coagulation).  Guess what?  Fat CAN BE good for you!  Your body needs it to function.

    I'm also willing to bet that you've cut most protein sources out of your diet as those typically contain fat.  Remember that your body needs a combination of carbs/fats/proteins to function at its optimal level.  When your body becomes deficient, the first thing to go is the reproductive system because it wastes so much energy.  And depending on how thin you were before your diet started, it is possible that you've gone below your body's "set point" of fat to keep menstruating.

    Please, for your health, eat protein at every meal.  Try eating smaller meals more frequently, and reduce your cardio to prevent adrenal fatigue.  Your body is stressed out between the exercise, nutrient deficient diet, and wedding planning.  Give it a rest.  Be sure to get plenty of sleep (10:30-6 or 7).

    Best of luck.

  2. Hm-mm, you could be preg. you may also just be stressed, wait a couple of days and do another test.

    hope you didn't drink too much at your wedding if you are he he

    good luck and get off here and go hump your new husband

  3. I feel that it is most probably related to the stress and strains of planning your wedding that has caused this to happen. Unless your 6 pound weight loss has made you under weight in that case the weight loss could be the reason. However if after another week you still do not have your period then I would take another test

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