
Late period ! how do i tell my boyfriend !!?

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hi me and my boyfriend have been having a few problems lately and i have noticed my period is 2 days late !! i do i tell him that my period is late and i could be pregnant ??? we have talked about having a baby the last few months but now a few problems have come up dont know if its the right time to tell him i am late !! please help any advise would be great on how to tell him ?




  1. 2days is still nothing. If it's been a week, than you have to start worrying. your period is just late this month, because probably you ovulated late. If you are really pregnant, just go to him and tell him. If he's a nice guy he'll try to help you! Good luck!

  2. just because your period is 2 days late doesnt mean you are in fact pregnant.... it could be caused from the stress of you and him fighting more lately...

    take a test then if its positive tell him... theres no easy way to do it.

  3. very understanding ur situation ,,,,he is ur man and u have to share with him every concern that u having.....sooner better :)

  4. If you're having serious problems with your BF right now, telling him your period is late and then finding out you're NOT pregnant is likely to make the situation worse. He'll be P.O'd that you got him excited and/or freaked out.

    This leaves you two real options: do a test on your own and then approach him with the news if you indeed have any, or wait and see if AF shows up in the next few days. Remember that stress is a big contributing factor in delaying your period, so that could be making it worse too.

  5. i agree with vicky take test then tell

  6. the best thing is to know for sure before you tell him,, periods can and are late, if you test and it comes back negative, if yo dont have it in a week, test again. but really its best to wait 7 to 10 days after your period is late to start to worry, and then you'll have a better chance of getting a postive if u are.. best of luck,,,

  7. first take a test and then tell him....

    this can also be stress related. Sometimes if your worried or stressed about anything it can have a affect on your period.

    Just take a HPT and then worry about it.

  8. firstly, it really isnt unusual for a period to come a few days or even up to a week late. personally, if i am stressed or have been really busy, i allow up to or slightly over a week to pass before i become stressed, its natural that your body is coping your stress etc in different ways.

    if you do wait over a week or so and you stil dont get it, take a pregnancy test or visit your doctor, these are the only ways to know for sure and will not cause any arguments or bad feelings between your and your bf if it turns out to be just a scare. if you feel like you need to talk with him about it, warn him first that you want to discuss something serious and tell him that you are concerned about the issue and feel that he might not react positively. then tell him. also, remind him that you guys are both in it together, you cant make a baby on your own! lol

    good luck and i hope i helped :)

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