my period is late. no shocker really, i have really irregular ones, im only 16. my late period came really early, about 23 days in, so i guess maybe thats why its coming later, but its been 34 days since then. ive tried parsley, giner, soaking my feet in hot water, and all of that for about two days before i gave up, because it was just making me sick and making me think even more about it. i was mad though, because i thought the pars;ey would work! i drink a whole handful of it blended with water.. but nothing. ive been pretty relaxed today and yesterday, but still nothing. ive exercised a lot ledd the past week and im just gaining weight from it, so i had to go back to my exercising for an hour and a half this morning. i know exercise is supposed to be bad, but could it maybe help too? is there things i should eat and drink, as well as not eat/drink? anything i should stopmyself from doing? any help here on how to stimuate this stupid thing?!