
Late period?????????????

by  |  earlier

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My period is now four days late I took a hpt today and it came back bfn...I don't know if it matters but I did take the test mid day..When should I test again for pregnancy?!?




  1. I'd give it 2 days then do it early morning.  Your first morning pee.

  2. Four days is too early to check for a pregnancy.  If you are anxious to get pregnant then these things happen.  I had this problem I wanted to get pregnant so bad that I had these test done almost on a monthly basis. When I finally gave up, I got pregnant.  So relax and wait either for your period or for the positive sign.  Don't be anxious for nothing.

  3. i suggest u take another test using ur first morning urine, i'm 20 weeks pregnant and i took my pregnancy test 4 days after my missed period its not to early to determine if u r pregnant. first i took a ordinary read it ur self test and it said + and the next day i bought i of those that spells it out for u and it was+.

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