My last period was on July 16. I haven't been on birth control in over a year because I felt the depo shot really messed up my body. Because of the Depo Shot, my periods are irregular. I would go through different months in which it's more than 31 days (since getting my period back, my "normal" amount is 31 days). There's months where I get it on my 33rd day, and very rare on my 35th.
Today is my 36th day and no sign of it. I did have a dizzy spell, threw up once after breakfast, and a couple of cramps (mostly the feeling that I'm getting my period). However, I tested 3 times (on my 28th, 31st, and 33rd day) and all came out negative. I feel fine yet I am wondering if I am testing negative, why my period is not coming yet? My fiance (we're getting married in Nov.) and I do want to have a baby but I would like to have a piece of mind whether I am or not.