
Lately I have felt that I need a boyfriend but I don't feel like I'm pretty enough . What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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Mostly because I look at all my friends and they all are pretty even beautiful. I know I'm different but I just don't feel beautiful.




  1. one thing i have to say is to never feel dat way beb. look there is always going to be the right guy out there for u and it doesnt matter how u look u going to find someone dat will love you and treat u right in every way possible! : ) and if this is by pressure, like all of your friends have bfs and you dont, dont try to find any kind of guy in a hurry! it can proove to be a large mistake. so just remember everyone is beautiful in some unique way.never feel dat your ugly or listen to anyone dat says so...

    hope ive been of good help to u...laters and wish u luck in finding dat special and lucky one!

  2. Go on with life. Talk to guys. If you find one likes you then take the chance. But don't force anything.

  3. I'm diagnosing you with co-dependency

    The cure for it?

    We all know people that don't know how to love themselves, you probably do too. They CONSTANTLY have to be dating someone to be happy. These people say they just dont like to be alone, no, youre codependent. Not independent, CO dependent.

    Now someone needs to come along and tell you this so you can wake up, and love yourself. I understand its nice to have a boyfriend but some people i really feel sorry for.

    You look for love in everyone BUT you. Love is in you. You look for love in other people but you can't find that perfect person by being codependent because codependent people tend to settle for less than they are worth. They dont love themselves so they think they are worth less than they really are.

    Be your own boyfriend if you have to have a boyfriend. Kiss yourself in the mirror, tounge it if you have to, do what you need to do but quit with all the codependency, its gross

    Thats why codependency isnt in style, who wants to be with someone who constantly has to be with someone? Who wants to date someone, when their happiness relys on them? Make your own self happy!

    The most beautiful person in the room is the one with confidence and personality shining through your features. I have had people tell me "Savannah, you're hott because you just don't care:)"

    i may come off as rude but i am just being real with you,

    much love,

    stranger in emerald city

  4. im single :)


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