
Lately Ive been felling wiered it's like a sadness and idk y

by Guest32979  |  earlier

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it's wired I feel sad nd I feel like Im missing out on everything for no reason nd I jus feel confused and I don't know why, da only way I feel happy is when I smoke weed or drink which I do until I puke, please help me, nd please tell me y I feel dat way, nd o yea I'm. 14




  1. make more friends. instead of smoking dope, watch p**n

  2. I felt like that before I gave my life to the Lord. You seriously need Jesus. No joke.

  3. your a loser

  4. after you get high, you have a low. if you smoke weed, you feel relllly good, then you get low, and its like a really bad feeling.  if you stay off of the drugs for a long long time you will get better, hopefully

  5. switch your sorrow for anger. and stop doing drugs and alcohol, obviously you do them for the wrong reasons and are making it look bad for everyone else (me being one of those people).

    im telling your mom that you do drugs, because maybe if she makes you stop then you wont contribute to people keeping marijuana illegal.

    thanks for asking.

  6. maybe the drugs are effecting your mental state. makes sense, right? read this link. also, it could be depression. find the source. if you can't find one, you could have a chemical imbalance. you should probably see a doctor. good luck!

  7. I'm fourteen too, and I feel sad and stuff all the time. Its probally because your trying to be popular and trying to get all these goals accomplished when you feel like its impossible. Anything is possible if we set our mind to it. You also probally do weed because it stops you from thinking about your unaccomplished goals. I would stop the weed, now while you still can. It can get you KILLED and what is your most prized possession. Its you.

    So what I would do, stop the weed, and create a set of goals you want, sports, friends ect. can accomplish so that you get more confiedence in yourself.

    You got your whole life ahead of you.

  8. It is the drinking and weed that is adding to your problems.  The drinking is a natural depressant.  You think your happier but i reality it is making things worse.  As or the weed it makes you not care about anything and this is not good for you.  Get some help you are on your way to alcoholism and need help.  It is a sickness that is genetic and some people can't drink because they are genetically prone to alcoholism.  Get counseling ASAP.  

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