
Lately i have been getting over heated at work. never had a prblem before.?

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i was driving a delivery truck in phoenix az, no ac in the truck and it gets up to 120 something in the summer.

i was fine until this summer. i started getting over heated. feeling dizzy and c**p like that a lot, i went to the dr. they did lots of test and every thing came back great. there was about 2 weeks where i could not stand to be any where but in a cold air conditioned room.

i just transfer ed out to memphis tennessee to a job in the wear house at night, its still humid in there and i been doing this for 2 weeks night before last i got really over heated and dehydrated too, woke up with one heck of a headache. i did ok at work last night but still was feeling a little bit hot at the end of the night. but today going out in the sun is bothering me again.

i had anxiety attacks years ago. when i get over heated it feels a lot like anxiety. but not quite. also i don't sweat as much as other people. the dr.. said since all the test were good it was probably heat stroke and that can take a little while to get over.

so either I'm having anxiety again, not over the heat stroke, or i got something wrong the test did not show.

any help here




  1. Everything your talking about i have gone through and it turns out i have anxiety. Your best bet is going to a docter and be put on anti depressents.  I know that sounds extreme but they changed my life!

  2. are you taking any new medication?  maybe you're lacking in vitamins or minerals?

    memphis, hmmm.....must be fedex.  I used to work for them.

  3. I have that problem - it's a problem with my thyroid.

    My mom has the same problem due to MS.

    It could be anything that will never show up on tests for years.

    I would go to this website to get some cooling equipment to help you.  I use the gel pack collar and it works great, but you do need to keep freezing it.  The collars that evaporate help my cousin's husband.

    Good luck.

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