
Lately my cat has been urinating in the spare bedroom only?

by  |  earlier

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my loving and beautiful, a male named jack. iv had him for 9 yrs. lately hes been peeing in my spare bedroom, not very much . about 2- 3 times already. he wont do it any where eles. his litter box is a corner of my bathroom where he has his own corner 2 himself where he goes and does his thing no problem. i keep it clean change once a week. why would he start this? should i change his box more often? he is getting old 4 a cat.i feed him on a regular basis, he never goes without. by the way i only have a small shelve, a fake treeand a chair. any ideas why or maybe i should change up since hes getting older. thanx 4 any ideas or anything that might help!!!!




  1. Iwatched this cat video when my cat was peeing in one place to. you may have to put his litter box in there.If you dont want to do that id ask a vet.

  2. A urinary tract infection is probably the reason.  I had a cat this happened to once.  Have him checked at the vets.

  3. He might have a urinary tract infection.....cats pee in odd places when they have this.  Take him to the vet.

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