
Lately one of my b*****s is expressing much less milk than the other. Any ideas?

by Guest34072  |  earlier

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I have been pumping with a hospital pump for almost a month now. One side has always pumped slightly less than the other but recently this side is pumping much less. I can get a couple ounces out of one side and now only a 1/4 ounce from the other. I have had soreness and hardness on that side which makes me think it was a clogged duct but that has since passed and i still get very little milk. Any ideas?




  1. You more than likely have a clogged milk duct (glad, pore, whatever you want to call it, several names for it) I had one with my first child...  they told me to try to keep a warm (almost too hot) rag on my breast and nipple throughout the day. message the breast often, even pumping keep your warm rag on your breast and message the beast while pumping (this could take more than just your hands to do, ask your husband or mother or even close girlfriend to help) when in the shower (if and when you get to take one) (take a hot one) and use both hands one on top one on bottom and message them, them the same on the sides. The clog should work its way out over time, just keep working with it. If it doesn't get better within a week or so I would call my OBGYN and ask if there is anything else you can do.

  2. Continue to express on that side, or better yet, offer the baby that side first.  It's all about supply and demand.  The more you demand, the more it will supply...usually...eventually. :)  It's been my experience that these things straighten themselves out.  

  3. one of my sides are better then the other my right was is not so great at pumping but then one day it is just drink more water  

  4. Perhaps when you had a clogged duct you pumped less due to the discomfort and now that breast is producing less as a result? Supply and demand!!

  5. massaging while you pump makes a big difference

  6. I would massage the breast that is producing less and try to constantly feed from only that side and still pump from the other... You want to use the breast that is producing less a lot more, so eventually it will be more productive.  If it seems that it may be a clogged duct, just massage constantly when feeding and it may hurt, but keep massaging in a circular motion to get it flowing.  Good luck

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