
Lately this has been happening; is it weird to you too?

by  |  earlier

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There's this ice cream truck that comes around the neighborhood at like 9:30 at night. It gets dark around 7:30-8pm so I don't understand why he's roaming the neighborhood so late. If some kid was out there with their parents and they tried to get some ice cream, it's so dark that the ice cream guy wouldn't see them and they could get hurt.

Do you think that's weird and kinda creepy? I do.




  1. that used to happen in my neighborhood when i was little. one time i ran out side and when i came back inside my mom was like where the h**l were you and i told her i went to the ice cream man and she freaked out and then counted my change as a grown up i would wonder too what an ice cream man was doing so late kinda creepy

  2. I think its creepy, watch out for the kids in your neighborhood, he could be a pedofile.

  3. Maybe dudes a pediphile looking for easy pray. I would report him to the community watch  

  4. I don't think it's weird or creepy but I don't think it's right.  I think it's dangerous and if I were a parent I'd be upset!  

  5. maybe he is an undercover cop or something. it is weird..... you should get a friend and approach the guy to check him out. call the police and report this and they will keep and eye on him. make sure to steal some ice cream while they're bookn him lol

  6. yes absolutely..

    you should like report it or something..

    you know just in case ..

    that's awesome that yo uare aware.. :)

  7. yes very creepy keep the kids inside away from weird late night ice cream trucks.

    i guess after 9pm is too late .

  8. OMG!!!


    there's an icecream van that goes around the apartment complex at like freaking 10pm...weeiird

  9. Maybe he's selling drugs.  

  10. Is he playing the music, or just coming home from work?

  11. Think i've heard them one time in our neighborhood, but never that late!  Call someone to make sure, cuz you don't want some random kid getting ice cream.

  12. that's really creepy

    that sounds like something a pediphile would do

    answer mine too please....;...

    oh i didnt mean to give you a thumbs down.

    so i gave you a thumbs up to even it out


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