
Lately were i like its been really cold and its spring how can there be global warming?

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ive heard that antartica's ice is thinker than it ever has.Some parts of greenland is breaking off but can that just be because of the sun?could the sun be heating up?




  1. The sun is like it is. Some people say that Earth is getting closer to the sun, but I don't belive it. I think it is polution.

  2. If you live in Chicago like I do (and sounds like you do too) it is pretty hard to think of global warming. LOL - and actually the sound of global warming sounds good right now! But in perspective, there are signs of global warming and we need to do what we can to make the world a better place.

  3. global warming is nonsense..look a the world around you

  4. global warming s***w the entire climate and can cause radical changes in regional and global climate...we are heating up on average. u no wat scratch that the gopher saw his shadow so that obviously explains everything!!!

  5. global warmign means there can be extreme weather.

    if you didnt know that and you ACTUALLY think think sun is heating up, im surpirsed you know what the term "gloabl warming" means

    and antartica's ice is thicker? where did you get that from?

    and yes, it is becasue of the sun. if there was no sun, theyred be no heat (or anything else for that matter) on earth.

  6. Speak for yourself

    i have been sitting in my shorts at night in front of a fan for a month now

    yesterday the news declared that there was a national heat wave

    with temperatures from 45 to 50 degrees centigrade

  7. the cold weather is weather.

    the average temperature is rising if you look at measurements made over decades.

    the sun is not heating up, we can measure that too.

    some parts of antarctic ( the very cold east part, with deep ice) are stable; the snow falling balances the ice flowing out in glaciers, but the rest is loosing ice.

  8. well it could be... and you make a very good point...maybe were going into a second ice age....but i blame the people who litter and the president....

  9. I hope you come to learn that this global warming scare tactic is nothing more than a maneuver to gather the entire globe under one umbrella. The globalists will use this as leverage as they attempt to pass "global laws" as we secretly move toward a one world government.

    100 years of pollution will not alter the way our million (or billion, or 6 thousand - whatever you believe) year old earth changes in the manner the Al Gore's speak of. The magnetic variations of the earth have constantly been changing....I guess we need a reason to blame that on too .... right?

    Just last week my local energy company sent me something asking if they could put a regulator on my AC unit where they could remotely turn it off to "save energy during peak times." (you know...when I need it most.) The government is soon going to be taxing you for your "Carbon Footprint." I bet some of you 'environmentalists' can't wait for that huh?...i can.

    Bottom line: Global Warming = More Governmental Control.

  10. its just the weather. you may have notices, though, it is not as cold as it was a few years ago. global warming is making the cold warmer and the warm hotter. yes the sun is heating up and in a few billion years it will implode, but it is not the reason for the ice thinning and breaking off

  11. Global warming is a hoax invented by Al Gore. Only mental patients still believe in it.The current economic conditions in the US are directly related to this hoax.

    To the idiot above who disputes that the ice is not thicker in Antartica. Every (I mean every respected ) scientisted report that the ice in 98% of Antartica is increasing or staying constsant. The other 2% is above a long dormant volcano which erupted underneath recently. You probably read this on Yahoo news several months ago.

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