
Later bedtime? Im 15 sophmore in highschool?

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My mom makes me go to bed at 10 and i wake up at 7. My older brother when he was my age didnt have a bedtime, and i dont think this is fair. Also my younger brother who is 13 and in 8th grade has the same bedtime. Do you think this is fair? Should i ask for a later bedtime, or is it good. I have a lot of trouble trying to get to sleep at 10 and usually roll around in my bed untill like 2 am.... What time should i ask for and how should i ask? thanks if you answer!




  1. thanks for sharing

  2. 11 maybe

  3. 11 would be an okay time, no later. you should have at least 8 hrs of sleep. i go to bed at 10 and wake up at 6

  4. try talking to your parents, 10 is sorta early but maybe they have a good reason for it. just ask them.

    answer mine (=

  5. You and your brother still have a bedtime?

    My mom removed the bedtime when I was 10.

  6. I'm 15, and I don't have a bedtime, but I think if you would just kindly ask your parents to make it 11, they'd agree. If not, make it 10.30. Just don't walk away like a mad person if it doesn't work out. Just act in a mature way, say something like "well it was worth a shot" and then go do something else.

    But, seeing how your 13 year old brother gets to go to bed at 10, I'm pretty sure your parents will agree.

  7. ask for like 10:30-11 any later the answer will probably be no

  8. People need eight hours of sleep. If you wake up at 7 you should be going to bed at the latest 11. Are you managing your time? Do you wakeup tired?  

  9. The reason the two of you have a bedtime at 10 is because your parents learned that letting your big bro stay up till all hours of the night was a bad idea.  You need your sleep.  If you ask for anything try to get the weekends free to all hours.  At your age I would let my daughter do that.

  10. It depends on how much sleep you can function on. I personally can go through a day with only 4 hours of sleep but others need a solid 7 hours. Talk to them. 10 is a little early for a 15 year old. I'd say that 11:30 or 12 is reasonable.  

  11. I think 11 shouldn't be too much to ask for.

  12. Talk to your parents, see why they have you go to bed at this time. Try to tell them how you feel and come up with a new bed time together. Trust me, you get a lot farther trying to negotiate then you will pulling attitude. That's how I got mine pushed back.  

  13. 'Mom, you know my bed time? Can we move it to 11 please? I mean like, I'm 15... I get good grades blah blah blah'

    You know, that kind of stuff.

    I think it's because there's 3 of you in the house...

    I never had a bedtime since I was 7. I'm the only child, do all stuff at home without asking lately, got very good grades, get homecalls from teachers at school saying that I'm a good student and stuff...

    If you are responsible, and don't have too many evil bad stuff on your account there shouldn't be a problem.

  14. I'm the same age as you, and don't have a set bedtime. Being fifteen years old, you should be old enough to know how much sleep you need to function, and to be able to get through your day. Me for example, I go to bed anywhere from 11pm-1am, depending on if I have field hockey, work, school work, or a combination of them and get up at 5:30am. If I were you I'd tell your parents that you're old enough to be able to determine a reasonable bedtime for yourself, because you know how much sleep you need better than anybody else.

    You may just want to rephrase that a bit though (:

    Good luck!  

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